B. J. ZELICKI. The Hungarian Working Class in the 1960s-I970s
An analysis of the changes in the social structure of the Hungarian working class in the period under review. At different stages of the socialist construction different social groups were the source of the working class: artisans, the peasantry (most massive source) and other social strata. The role of women and young people as the reserve of the working class noticeably grew in the 1960s-1970s. It has become the largest section of the population, its absolute majority. With the broadening of its social basis and the renewal of its social composition the industrial nucleus of the working class and its greater part engaged in the service industry have increased. The author dwells on social development of workers living in the countryside who comprise nearly 50 per cent of the Hungarian working class.
G. D. ALEXEYEVA. Istpart: Main Trends and Stages of Development
The author takes as her subject the role of the first scientific centres of the Soviet country, the Commission on the History of the October Revolution and the Communist Party, of which Lenin was the initiator back in 1920. Scientific work carried out by the Commission, its organisational and coordinating role vis-a-vis collection and publication of materials by local Commissions on the October Revolution and the Communist Party and their scientific and popularising activity which have laid the foundation of the modern scientific work in this field are discussed.
N. P. KRASNIKOV. Socio-Political Position of the Orthodox Church in 1905 - 1916
Partial revision of the socio-political position of the Orthodox Church, the author argues, was caused by revolutionary process. Its cenluries-old policy of support of the internal and external policy of tsarism was modified to fit new conditions of Russia's capitalist development. The aim of the Orthodox Church, however, remained unaltered: that of diverting the broad popular masses from attempts at practical solution of social problems and backing tsarism in its struggle against revolutionary movement. The revision and adaptation, the author demonstrates, had the single purpose of preserving the exploiter system.
M. B. SVERDLOV. Servants and Knolops in Old Rus (on the Genesis of the Social Group of Feudal Society)
The pra-Slavonic term "servants" was used in the 10th-13th centuries to denote a broad group of feudally dependent people, including also the kholops who in the past were personally free or dependent land-tillers, artisans and merchants. The kholops occupied different positions in their master's economy: they were exploited in the production and service spheres, in the system of patrimonial administration. The right of ownership of the kholops, artisans and their economies belonged to their masters. The uniformity of the kholops' social and juridical position led the author to conclude that they were an individual social estate of the feudal society while the form of their exploitation was a personal dependence without state bondage to the land and the master.
S. V. VARLOV. Britain and the Problem of Strategic Arms Limitation
An analysis of the British policy in the field of nuclear armaments in the 1970s and of the history of the Shevalin Programme, British stand vis-a-vis SALT negotiations, negative concequences of Britain's present position for the solution of the problem of strategic arms limitation.
стр. 190
L. S. POSKONINA. Brazil's Left Radical Historiography on the Problems of Latin
American Capitalist Development
The author analyses conceptions on the cardinal problems of Latin American development and a great contribution made by the Left Radicals in studying the problem of backwardness of the dependent countries of the continent. Due to their non-dialectical approach caused by the structuralist methodology they led this trend of Brazilian historiography to the one-sided investigation of obtaining tendencies, namely the dependence on imperialism, and to complete disregard of (he internal tendencies of capitalist development. It resulted in absolutisation of the external factors of capitalist development.
"Problems of History" No. 9, 1982
Articles: B. J. Zelicki. The Hungarian Working Class in the 1960s-1970s; G. D. Ale-xeyeva. Istpart: Main Trends and Stages of Development; N. P. Krasnikov. Socio-Political Position of the Orthodox Church in 1905 - 1916; M. B. Sverdlov. Servants and Kholops in Old Rus (on the Genesis of the Social Group of Feudal Society); S. V. Varlov. Britain and the Problem of Strategic Arms Limitations; L. S. Poskonina. Brazil's Left Radical Historiography on the Problems of Latin American Capitalist Development. Historica I Essays: N. V. Spirin. The First Enterprise of the Socialist Boot and Shoe Industry; F. L. Kurlat, L. A. Studnikov. Special Purpose Brigades. A. S. Blank. Three Magisters of the Black Order. Histоriсa 1 Science in the USSR and Abroad. Surveys: L. E. Kubbel. International Edition on African History. Book Reviews: E. N. Gorodetsky. Soviet Historiography of the Great October Revolution. 1917-first half of the 1930s; A History of Donbass Workers; A History of Ufa. A Short Outline; Russia's Foreign Policy: Results and Tasks of the Study. Soviet Historiography; Towns of Moscow Outskirts; S. A. Madievsky. Rumania's Political System: the last third of the 19th-early 20th century. The Monarchy, Parliament, the Government; G. K. Shirokov. Industrial Revolution in trie Countries of the East; Social Character of the Mediaeval Burghers of the 13th-17th Centuries; Z. Zlatev, B. Mateyev, V. Migev. Bulgaria in the Epoch of Socialism. (Sofia). Scientific Notes. Facts, Events, People, Articles in Soviet and Foreign Historical Journals. New Books in the USSR and Abroad.
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