P. T. TRONKO, Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Historical Significance of the Ukraine's Reunion with Russia
The article shows that the Ukraine's reunion with Russia was a natural and logical development determined by the entire historical past of the two fraternal peoples, which accorded with their fundamental interests. Since the reunion the Ukrainian people have for ever linked their destiny with that of the Russian people and entered a new period of their history. The victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution has radically changed the very appearance of the Ukraine, its economy and culture. The present-day Ukraine is a republic with a highly developed diversified industry and agriculture, advanced science and culture.
H. BARTEL. The Establishment and Significance of the G.D.R. - the First Socialist State on German Soil
The Soviet Union's victory in the Great Patriotic War and the liberation of the peoples from fascism have radically altered the alignment of forces in the world. Relying on the Soviet Union's assistance and creatively applying the experience of the CPSU, the working class in the Soviet occupation zone of Germany carried out an anti-fascist democratic coup under the leadership of its party in the difficult conditions of struggle against the restoration and splitting policies of the imperialist forces operating in the Western zones. Acting in alliance with the peasantry and other segments of the toiling population in this part of Germany, the working class established a state in which the power wielded by the workers and peasants was a form of the dictatorship of the proletariat. The founding of the G.D.R. marked a turning point in the history of the German people as well as in the history of Europe as a whole.
A. N. SAKHAROV. Princess Olga's Diplomacy
The article examines the diplomacy of Rus in the fifties and early sixties of the 10th century. Analyzing the existing Russian, Byzantine and Western sources, the author shows that in the middle of the 10th century the ancient Russian state followed a policy aimed at further enhancing the international prestige of Rus and expanding its external relations. The diplomatic steps taken by Princess Olga were directed towards securing equal agreements with Byzantium, as well as towards establishing political relations with the German state, which in the conditions of that period accorded with the interests of Rus.
B. I. KOVAL. The Brazilian Variant of the Genesis of Capitalism
The article analyzes the Brazilian variant of the genesis of capitalism in the light of Marx's conception of the so-called primitive accumulation. The author brings out the specific character of the pre-capitalist forms of production, the role of the slave- owning plantation, the forms of transition to the capitalist relations of production. The article highlights a number of theoretical problems pertaining to the genesis of capitalism in Latin America and examines the causes of Brazil's transition from the plantation economy to capitalism, by-passing the stage of feudalism.
V. K. PARKHOMENKO. Operation Cointelpro
The article tells about the secret war waged by the Federal Bureau of Investigation against the dissidents in the U.S.A. The author shows the scope of the campaign of persecution launched against the democratic and Left movements in the U.S.A. in the period from the 1950's to the early 1970's, describes the methods employed by the FBI in combating political opponents (counter-intelligence, frame-ups, forgeries) and cites factual material illustrating the violation of the constitutional rights of American citizens. In a number of instances U. S. government officials acted as direct accomplices in the secret operations planned by the FBI in its unlawful war against the dissidents.
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