G. E. TRAPEZNIKOV. Uzbekistan in the Era of Developed Socialism
The author compares the level of Uzbekistan's development during the eighth and ninth five-year-plan periods (1966 - 1975) with that of the preceding period. He also compares Uzbekistan's progress with that attained by a number of other countries, graphically showing the vast growth of the republic's industry and its working class, the giant stride made by Uzbekistan's agriculture and its collective farmers and state- farm personnel, the striking advance made by the system of public education, national culture, science, literature and the arts in the period under review. The author notes the important contribution made by Uzbekistan to the burgeoning of mature socialism in the U.S.S.R.
M. I. SVETACHEV. The Conceptions of Bourgeois Historiography Regarding the Re-establishment of the Eastern Front in Siberia in 1918
The article examines the attempts of bourgeois historians to prove that the foreign intervention launched in Siberia in 1918 was directed against Germany and not against the young Soviet Republic. The author touches on such questions as the possibility and necessity for the Entente powers to re-establish the Eastern Front in Russia in 1918, the numercial strength of the armed forces specially designated for this operation, the contemplated areas of their deployment and use, as well as the attitude of the Western Powers to the struggle carried on by Soviet Russia against Germany's aggression after the signing of the Brest-Litovsk peace. The article makes it abundantly clear that the policy of the allies was chiefly dictated by counter- revolutionary motives and not by the requirements of war with Germany, that the declarations on the re-establishment of the Eastern Front coupled with persistent attempts to accuse the Bolsheviks of "betrayal," of "siding with the Germans," etc., were nothing but a smokescreen intended to justify the imperialist powers' anti-Soviet actions in the eyes of the world public, to discredit the Great October Revolution and weaken its influence on the Western countries.
A. V. SHIPULINA, Y. A. JAKOBSON. The 1905 Soviet of Working People's Deputies in Ivanovo-Voznesensk
The article briefly surveys the sources and literature on the problem. The authors show that the protracted discussion resulted in recognizing the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Soviet as the embryonic organ of popular rule, as the first City Soviet of Working People's Deputies in Russia. They expose the falsifications resorted to by bourgeois historians in their attempts to present this body merely as a strike committee and to deny the political character of its activity. Actually the Soviet came into being as a working-class organ, with the Bolsheviks playing the leading role in it. Originating at first as an organ for directing the textile workers' general strike, the Soviet later considerably widened its functions and became an organ of revolutionary power in the city, with whose decisions both the factory-owners and the local authorities were forced to reckon. As regards its class composition, organizational structure and-what is most important-its social essence and nature of activity, the Assembly of Authorized Deputies (as this organ was called at the time) functioning in Ivanovo- Voznesensk was, to all intents and purposes, Russia's first City Soviet of Working People's Deputies, whose experience was largely drawn upon by the ether Soviets formed during the summer and autumn months of 1905.
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A. P. BORODIN. The Strengthening Positions of the United Nobility in the State Council in 1907 - 1914
The article traces the causes and character of the changes in the State Council. Analyzing the data on its personnel and the distribution of its members according to groups, the author comes to the conclusion that, having seized the State Council, the reactionary gentry paralyzed the Constitutional Democrat-Octobrist majority in the Third State Duma.
S. M. TROITSKY. Creative Application of Sweden's Experience in the Process of Carrying Out Administrative Reforms in Russia During the First Quarter of the 18th Century
The article examines the administrative reforms carried out in Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. Citing concrete historical material, the author shows that in effecting these reforms the government of Peter the Great drew on the experience of Sweden and other European countries. However, in doing so it did not blindly copy this experience but. approached it creatively, singling out only those elements which could be applied in the conditions of Russia and attaching paramount importance to the generalization of Russian legislation and to the long-established practices.
N. A. ROZANTSEVA France's Approach to the Atomic Problem in the U.N. (1945 - 1949)
The article highlights France's approach to the solution of the atomic problem in the U.N. in 1945 - 1949. The author shows that France's position on this question took shape under the influence of the country's general political course and was largely determined by the policy pursued by the French government in the sphere of atomic energy. The article brings out the role played by the Atomic Energy Commissariat operating under the guidance of Frederic Joliot-Curie in the formulation of France's atomic policy. Until May 1947 her approach to the solution of the atomic problem in the U, N. Contained a number of positive elements. Subsequent changes in France's domestic policy and the gradual reorientation of her foreign policy line in favour of a military alliance with the U.S.A. could not but have their impact on her policy in the sphere of atomic energy.
M. A. OKUNEVA. The Revolution of 1905 - 1907 in Russia and Its Impact on Cuba
The article traces the influence exerted by the first Russian revolution on the political processes in Cuba. The author shows how deeply the democratic elements and the broadest sections of working people in Cuba sympathized with the revolutionary struggle waged by the peoples of Russia and how the democratic forces of Cuba joined the international movement of proletarian solidarity. Particular attention is devoted in the article to the impact made by the Revolution of 1905 - 1907 on the working-class and socialist movement in Cuba, on the Cuban people's anti-imperialist struggle.
L. B. ALAYEV. The Problem of the Rural Commune in Class Societies
The author maintains that the rural commune in class societies cannot be regarded as a direct successor of the primitive communal system. The existence of a system of communal organization among the peasantry does not testify to the immaturity of class relations in the given society. The significance of the commune can grow weaker or stronger depending on the concrete circumstances of historical development. The article examines the headway made in studying the problem of the evolution of the commune on the material furnished by the early medieval period in Germany and the period of feudalism in Russia. The author also cites examples illustrating the enhancement of the commune in a number of other feudal societies.
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