T. A. SIVOKHINA. Soviet Historiography of the Soviet Working Class in the Period of Mature Socialism
The author summarises the studies in the evolution of the Soviet working class in the period of mature socialism. Works published in the 1960s-1970s, she concludes, are major achievements in research into the qualitative and quantitative changes in the composition of the working class. The article discusses trends in research 'in growing social activity of the workers (their leading role in socialist emulation, management of social production and state affairs) and points to certain aspects requiring further study.
V. V. GARMIZA. Class Essence of Socialist-Revolutionary and Menshevik- Dominated Local Government Bodies
The author discusses the organisation and activity of local self-government bodies (dumas and zemstvos) headed by Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, particularly in the middle Volga region, south of the Urals, and Siberia, with particular attention to the little-studied problem of public education in areas under the Committee of Alembers of the Constituent Assembly (Samara, Volga region, 1918). Using archive materials and local periodical press the author demonstrated bourgeois nature of these bodies.
S. I. SMETANIN. Emergence of the Working Class in the Urals Resulting from Differentiation of the Workforce in Mining and Related Industries
The author demonstrates that the process of differentiation among this category of the population and the emergence of the working class at Ural enterprises resulted from economic changes-the rise of traders and petty businessmen, intensification of capitalist forms of labour stimulation, the switch over from compulsory forms of labour to more productive and elaborate forms of employment.
V. N. USOV. On the Assessement of the Maoist Cultural Revolution
The greater part of the article deals with assessements of the cultural revolution in the Chinese mass media in 1967 - 1981. The author traces how these assessements changed as the controvercy over Maoism developed. His conclusion is that top government groups want to prevent the dissemination in the CPC of Marxist-Leninist assessements of these tragic events in Chinese history. The CPSU and other Communist parties have characterised the cultural revolution as a counter-revolutionary coup led by Mao Zedong and have revealed harmfulness of Maoism, and its incompatibility with the vital interests of the Chinese people.
A. I. NEMIROVSKY. Theoretical Aspects of Ancient Historiography
Lucian's treatise, True History, is the author's framework for a study of the ancient historiographers' views on the functions and aims of history, its methodology and what is required in form and content of history-writing. Nemirovsky also touches on problems not dealt with by Lucian, such as relation of historiography to the contemporaneous natural sciences and philosophy and stresses the need for broader study of ancient hisioriography.
стр. 190
"Problems of History", No. 2, 1982
Articles: T. A. Sivokhina . Soviet Historiography of the Soviet Working Class in the Period of Mature Socialism; V. V. Garmiza . Class Essence of Socialist- Revolutionary and Menshevik-Dominated Local Government Bodies; S. I. Smetanin . Emergence of the Working Class in the Urals Resulting from Differentiation of the Workforce in Mining and Related Industries; V. N. Usov . On the Assessement of the Maoist Cultural Revolution; A. I. Nemirovsky . Theoretical Aspects of Ancient Historiography. Historical Essays: O. N. Znamensky . The Petrograd Intelligentsia During the February 1917 Revolution; A. N. Sakharov. The Balkan Campaigns of Svyatoslav and the Diplomacy of Ancient Rus. Historical Science in the USSR and Abroad. Surveys: N. K. Kudryavtseva . German Historical Documents of the Imperialist Period. Book Reviews : V. S. Emelyanov. Problems of Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; V. Ya. Sipols. Soviet Foreign Policy in 1933 - 1935; V. I. Petrov. The Defeat of the German Imperialist Aggression Against Soviet Russia in 1918; N. A. Kazakova. Western Europe in 15th-16th-Century Russian Written Sources. From the History of the Russian Cultural Ties; I. V. Churkina. Russia and the 19th-century Slovenian National-Liberation Movement; V. E. Nevler (Vilin). Daniele Manin and the Venetian Republic of 1848 - 1849; A. History of Ireland; Mexican Workers in the United States. Historical and Political Perspectives (Albuquerque), M. Robbe. Will There Be Peace in the Near East? Kein Friede in Nahost? Die Araber, ihr Befreiungskampf und Israel (Berlin), and others Facts, Events, People. Notes on Articles Published Abroad. Articles in Soviet and Foreign Historical Journals. New Books in the USSR and Abroad.
de la revue "Questions d'histoire" n 2, 1982
Articles: T. A. Sivokhina . La classe ouvriere de 1'U.R.S.S. dans la periode du socialisme venu a maturite vue par 1'historiographie sovietique; V. V. Garmiza . L'essence de classe des organes du pouvoir locaux cliriges par les socialistes revolutionnaires et les mencheviks, S. I. Smetanine . La decomposition de la population des forges et la formation de la classe ouvriere dans 1'Oural; V. N Oussov . Contribution a revaluation de la " revolution culturelle" maoiste; A. I. Nemirovski Aspects theoriques de 1'historiographie antique. A p ere us historiques: O. N. Znamenski . Les inteileclucls de Petrograd dans les journees de la Revolution de fevrier; A. N. Sakharov . Les campagnes de Sviatoslav dans les Balkans et la diplomatie de 1'ancienne Russie. La science historique e n U. R. S. S. et a I'etranger. Revues: N. I. Koudriavtseva . Les documents de 1'histoire allemande de 1'epoque de rimperialisme. Comptes rendus des livres: V. S. Emelianov . Problemes de la non-dissemination de 1'arme nucleaire; V. Ya. Sipols. La politique etrangere de 1'Union Sovietique. 1933 - 1935; V. I. Petrov. Le refoulement par le pays des Soviets de 1'invasion de rimperialisme amcricain en 1918; N. A. Kazakova. L'Europe occidentale dans 1'ecriture russe des XV e -XVI e siecles. De 1'histoire des relations culturelles internationales de la Russie, I. V. Tchourkina. Le mouvement de liberation nationale des Slovenes au XIXe siecle et la Russie: V. E. Nevler (Viline). Daniele Manin et la republique de Venise de 1848 - 1849; Histoire de i'lrlande; Les ouvriers mexicains dans les Etats-Unis. Les perspectives historiques et politiques (Albuquerque); M. Robbe. La paix, s'etablira-t-elle au Proche-Orient? Les Arabes, leur lutte de liberation nationale et ITsrael (Berlin) et autres. Faits, cvenements, h о m m e s. Notes sur les articles publices dans les editions etrangeres. Articles parus dans les revues historiques sovietiqus et etrangeres. Nouveaux livres en U.R.S.S. et a 1'etranger.
стр. 191
de la revista "Cuestiones de historia" N 2. 1982
Articulos: T. A. Sivojina. Historiografia sovietica sobre la clase obrera de la URSS del periodo del socialismo maduro; V. V. Garmiza. Esencia de clase de los organos de poder locales de los socialislas revolucionarios у de los menchiviques; S. I. Smetanin. Descomposicion de la poblacion minera у fabril у formacion de la clase obrera en los Urales; V. N. Usov. Hacia la cuestion de la apreciacion de la "revolucion cultural" maoista; A. I. Nemirovskiy. Aspectos teoricos de la historiografia de la antiguedad; Ensayos historicos: O. N. Znamenskiy. Intelectuales de Petrogrado en los dias de la revolucion de Febrero; A. N. Sajarov. Expediciones balkanicos de Sviatoslav у diplomacia de la Rusia antigua. La ciencia historicaen la URSS yen el extranjero. Revistas. N. I. Kudriavtzeva. Documentos de la historia de Alemania del la epoca del imperialismo. Resenas de libros: V. S. Emelianov. Problemas de no difusion de las armas nucleares; V. Y. Sipols. Politica exterior de la Union Sovietica. 1933 - 1935; V. I. Petrov. Lucha del pais sovietico contra la invasion del imperialismo aleman en el afio 1918; N. A. Kazakova. Europa Occidental en las escrituras rusas de los sigles XV-XVI. De historia de los lazos culturales internacionales de Rusia; I. V. Churkina. Movimiento de liberacion nacional esloveno en el siglo XIX у Rusia; V. E. Nevler (Vilin) Daniele Manin у republica Veneciana. 1848-1849; Historia' de Irlanda; Mexican Workers in the United States. Historical and Political Perspectives (Albuquerque); Martin Robbe. Kein Friede in Nahost? Die Araber, ihr Befreiungskampf und Israel (Berlin), etc. Hechos, acontecimientos, personalidades. Notas de artfculos, publicados en las ediciones extranjeras. Articulos de las revistas historicas sovieticas у extranjeras. Nuevos libros en la URSS у en el extranjero.
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