M. I. KULICHENKO. The Shaping and Development of the Soviet People as a New Historical Community (Historiography)
The author of this article makes an attempt to explain how Soviet science interprets the fact of the gradual shaping and development of the Soviet people as a new historical community. Drawing on a close analysis of numerous Party documents and scientific research works, he examines the following aspects of the problem: statement of the question concerning the Soviet people as a new historical community; the history of elaborating the question regarding the stages into which the period of the formation of this community should be divided; interpreting the essence of this community. Much attention is devoted in the article to the theoretico- methodological criteria used in analyzing the new historical community, to the definition of its historical character and place in the system of other communities, and to the elucidation of its social role in the development of classes and social groups, nations and nationalities. The author focusses attention on inadequately elaborated aspects of the problem and outlines some of the most urgent and pressing tasks that must be solved in the near future by the sustained efforts of Soviet scholars.
S. K. MOROZOV. The Part Played by the Soviets in the Socialist Restructuring and Improving the Operation of Industry (November 1917 - 1920)
The author vividly shows how in the early years of Soviet power a steadfast and consistent struggle was waged to liquidate the system of private property, how the local state organs of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the shape of the Soviets took over factories and mills and instituted an effective system of workers' control at industrial enterprises, how they built up and strengthened the new state administration machine and economic management bodies, made sustained efforts to concentrate production and heighten labour productivity, to secure the fulfilment by industrial establishments of their planned targets for the output of goods direly needed by the front and the rear, thereby making an important contribution towards enhancing the country's defence capacity.
A. I. PRIYMENRO. The Workers' Groups at the All-Russia Co-operative Congresses
The article highlights the activity of the Workers' Groups at the First and Second All- Russia Co-operative Congresses convened by bourgeois co-operators in 1908 (in Moscow) and in 1913 (in Kiev). The workers' delegates headed by the Bolsheviks resolutely declared their decision to separate the workers' co-operative organizations from the bourgeois co-operative system and make them serve the class interests of the proletariat. The struggle of the Workers' Group at the Second Congress acquired especial significance thanks to the systematic and detailed coverage given it in the newspaper Pravda. The rallying of the workers' delegates and the democratic elements around the Bolsheviks at the co-operative congresses is a graphic example of skilfully implementing Lenin's directives regarding the use of every available legal possibility for upholding the interests of the working people and stimulating the growth of the proletarian movement.
I. G. ROZNER. The Ukrainian People's Liberation War of 1648 - 1654 and Russia
From the very outbreak of the Liberation War fought under the leadership of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, the Russian government began to render the Ukraine political, diplomatic, economic and military assistance, with different kinds of aid playing a different role in each particular period of the war by mutually complementing each other. Extensive support was given the Ukrainian people by the Russian peasants, the townsfolk and the Cossacks crossing over to the Ukraine. The all-round assistance extended by Russia to the Ukraine importantly contributed to the rapid rise of the Ukrainian people's liberation movement.
A. L. NAROCHNITSKY. Russia and the Napoleonic Wars for Establishing Domination Over Europe (Resistance and Adaptation)
The article sheds light on the little-known aspect of the foreign policy pursued by Russia and other participants in the coalitions against Napoleon - recognition of the need to make definite concessions in favour of the bourgeois order in France and the constitutional regimes in a number of other European countries. On the example of Russia (notably, her policy in relation to Finland and Poland) the author dissects the
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problem of resistance and adaptation to the new historical realities in Europe brought into being by the French bourgeois revolution of 1789 - 1794 and Napoleon's victories. The article shows that the members of the coalitions were compelled to recognize the irreversible character of many of the changes that had taken place in France during the period of the revolution and the Napoleonic wars and, accordingly, change the aims of their wars against the Napoleonic empire,
Y. G. BELOVOLOV. The October Revolution and the Working-Class Movement in Cuba
The article highlights the influence exercised by the ideas of the Great October Revolution on the working-class movement in Cuba. The author characterizes the level of consciousness and organization attained by the Cuban proletariat as well as the extent of the influence exerted by the anarcho-syndicalists and the reformists. Particular importance is attached in the article to Case No. 550 trumped up by the authorities. The government took advantage of the weaknesses of the working-class movement, resulting from its insufficient organization, ideological disunity and the absence of a political party" of the proletariat. The authorities succeeded in checking the spread of the strike movement and' thwarting the development of the revolutionary situation in the country.
G. A. VORONTSOV. The Conception of Trilateralism: Theory and Practice
The article examines the foreign policy conception of "trilateralism", which has gained wide currency in the West in recent years and has become especially popular in the U. S. At the basis of this conception lies an appeal for the maximum unity of the three main centres of imperialism (the U.S.A., Western Europe and Japan), the elaboration by these centres of a single strategy and tactic in an attempt to stabilize the capitalist system and to counteract the revolutionary forces of our time. The author analyzes the theoretical sources and class essence of the conception, characterizing the practical attempts made by some of the capitalist states to put into effect individual elements of the conception of trilateralism.
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