The Activity of the CPSU in Constructing Developed Socialim in the 60s
The article deals with the CPSU policy in upgrading Soviet economy, perfecting social relations and raising living standards in the 1960s-1970s. It indicates that back in the 1960s positive qualitative shifts in social development were observed despite objective and subjective difficulties. The essence of the tasks confronting the CPSU today aimed at the further acceleration of Soviet economic development and the improvement of all sides of the life of Soviet society are also examined.
E. A. AMBARTSUMOV. Lenin's Analysis of the 1921 Crisis and the Ways of Overcoming It.
The author offers an opinion that Lenin's approach to the 1921 crisis can be regarded as a "model" to be followed by other socialist countries which have lived through socio-political crises. Lenin regarded the policy of "war communism" which had already outlived itself as the main cause behind the 1921 crisis. This policy, by its disregard for the immediate economic interests of the majority, brought about an upsurge of displeasure among the peasantry and a part of the working class when the Civil War was over. This fact was exploited by counterrevolutionary forces. At that time Lenin forwarded a new economic policy (NEP) which took into account and made a skilful use of individual, group and class interests. The lessons of overcoming the 1921 crisis are still relevant.
A. A. AKHTAMZYAN. Consolidation of Diplomatic Relations between the Soviet State and Austria (1920 - 1924).
The author uses, for the first time, materials from the Austrian State Archives in Vienna to present a broad picture of gradual normalisation of relations between the two countries, starting with the Copenhagen Treaty of 1920 till the establishment of diplomatic relations in February, 1924. The article reveals economic levers of the turn to extending relations with Soviet Russia. The positive changes took a number of years to be crowned with the establishment of relations at the legation level at the end of February, 1924 when the period of recognition of the USSR had started. This fact, says the author, produced a favourable effect on the development of economic and cultural ties between the two countries.
M. Yu. ZOLOTUKHIN. The 1885 - 1886 Bulgarian Crisis and the Collapse of the Austro-German-Russian Alliance.
The author, drawing vastly on archive materials, discusses the events associated with the 1885 - 1886 Bulgarian crisis caused by the unification of the northern and. southern parts of the country, which violated the provisions of the 1878 Treaty of Berlin and forced the great powers to define their stand vis-a- vis the events in Bulgaria. The author centres his attention on the diplomatic moves by the three participants in the Alliance of the Three Emperors (Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary) and shows that the British-Austrian bloc emerged with the active participation of the German diplomacy. The acute Austrian- Russian rivalry in 1885 - 1886 and Bismarck's double-faced policy led to the collapse of the Allaince of the Three Emperors.
A. B. VEBER. From the History of Economic Organisations of the Working- Class Movement.
The author traces the emergence and consolidation of the economic organisations of the working-class movement such as consumers' cooperative societies, societies for mutual help, loan-and-saving banks, union-controlled banks and insurance societies, on the example of the FRG, Belgium and Finland, and assesses their role. They first appeared back in the last century and become fairly widespread. Their place in the working-class movement and in the economic life as a whole varied from country to country due to concrete historical conditions and traditions of the working-class movement. Although the economic organisations have never been a significant factor in the capitalist relations they retain their importance as an inalienable part of the multiform working-class movement.
стр. 190
Problems of History, No. 4, 1984
Articles: The Activity of the CPSU in Constructing Developed Socialism in the 60s; E. A. Ambartsumov. Lenin's Analysis of the 1921 Crisis and the Ways of Overcoming It; A. A. Akhtamzyan. Consolidation of Diplomatic Relations between the Soviet State and Austria (1920 - 1924); M. Yu. Zolotukhin. The 1885 - 1886 Bulgarian Crisis and the Collapse of the Austro-German-Russian Alliance; A. B. Veber. From the History of Economic Organisations of the Working-Class Movement. Historical Essays: G. V. Papakin. Soviet Propaganda in the Ukraine (1918 - 1920); Yu. Andreyev, Yu. Aleksin. The "Revolution of Carnations"; A. B. Alaev. Indian Countryside Throughout the Ages. Historical Science in the USSR and Abroad. Surveys: A. N. Sakharov. Historical Roads of the Eastern Slavdom. Book Reviews: N. I. Pnimak. Lenin's Heritage as a Historical Source: Soviet Studies; E. V. Illeritskaya. Agrarian Question: Failure of the Agrarian Programmes and the Policy of the Non-Proletarian Parties in Russia; A. P. Pronstein, V. Ya. Kiyashko. Chronology; Critique of Nationalism-A Reactionary Ideology of Contemporary Bourgeoisie; Latin America. An Encyclopaedia Dictionary (in two vols.). Vol. 1; О. Е. Nepomnin. A Socio-Economic History of China. 1894 - 1914; P. Panaiotov. Bulgarian-Soviet Relations and Ties (Sofia); M. V. Katz, M. J. Doucent, M. J. Stern. The Social Organisation of Industrial Capitalism. Cambridge (Mass.). -London. Facts. Events. People. Articles in Soviet and Foreign Historical Publications. New Books in the USSR and Abroad.
de la revue "Questions d'histoire" n o 4, 1984
Articles: L'activité du P.C.U.S. dans le domaine de l'édification du socialisme developpé dans les années 60; E. A. Ambartsoumov. L'analyse par V. I. Lénine des causes de la crise de 1921 et des voies d'en sortir; A. A. Akhtamzian. Le devenir des relations diplomatiques de l'Etat soviétique avec l'Autriche (1920 - 1924); M. You. Zolotoukhine. La crise bulgare de 1885 - 1886 et l'échec de l'union allemano-russo-autrichienne; A. B. Veber. De l'histoire des organisations économiques du mouvement ouvrier. Aperçus historiques: G. V. Papakine. La propagande des Soviets en Ukraine (1918 - 1920); You. Andréev, You. Alexine. La "révolution des oeuillets"; A. B. Alaïev. La campagne indienne à travers les siécles. La science historique en U.R.S.S. et à l'étranger. Revues: A. N. Sakharov. Les voies historiques des Slaves orientaux. Comptes rendus: N. I. Prymak. L'étude des sources soviétique de l'héritage léniniste; E. V. Illéritskaïa. La question agraire: l'échec des programmes agraires et de la politique des partis non prolétariens en Russie; A. P. Pronchteïn, V. Ya. Kjyachko. La chronologie; La critique du nationalisms idéologie réactionnaire de la bourgeoisie contemporaine; Amérique latine. Mémento encyclopédique (en deux volumes). T. I.; O. E. Népomnine. L'histoire économique et sociale de Chine. 1894 - 1914; P. Panaïotov. Les relations et les liens bulgaro-soviétiques (Sofia); M. V. Katz, M. J. Doucet, M. J. Stern. L'organisation sociale du capitalisme industriel. Cambridge (Mass). - London. Faits. Evénements. Hommes, Articles dans les publications historiques soviétiques et étrangères. Nouveaux livres en U.R.S.S. et à l'étranger.
стр. 191
revista "Cuestiones de historia" N. 4, 1984
Artículos: Actividad del PCUS en lo referente a la constructión del socialismo desarrollado en los años 60; E. A. Ambartsúmov. Análisis hecho por V. I. Lenin de las causas que originaron la crisis de 1921 y de las vías para salir de la misma; A. A. Ajtamzián. Proceso de formatión de las relaciones diplomáticas del Estado soviético con Austria (1920 - 1924); M. Yu. Zolotujin. Crisis búlgara de 1885 - 1886 y iracaso de la alianza austro- ruso-alemana; A. B. Véber. De la historia de las organizaciones económicas del movimiento obrero. Ensayos históricos: G. V. Papakin. Propaganda soviética en Ucrania (1918 - 1920); Yu. Andréev, Yu. Alexin. "Revolución de los claveles"; A. B. Aláev. La aldea india a través de los siglos. Ciencia histórica en la URSS y en el exterior. Resúmenes: A. N. Sájarov.Vías históricas de los eslavos orientales. Reseñas: N. I. Priimak. Estudios soviéticos de las fuentes históricas referentes a la herencia de Lenin; E. V. Illerítskaia. El problema agrario: el fracaso de los programas agrarios y de la política de los partidos no proletarios en Rusia; A. P. Pronstéin, V. Ya. Kiashko. Cronología; Crítica del nacionalismo, ideología reaccionaria de la burguesía contemporánea; América Latina. Prontuario enciclopédico (en dos tomos). T. 1; O. E. Nepomnin. Historia socioeconómica de China. 1894 - 1914; P. Panayotov. Vínculos y relaciones búlgaro-soviéticos. (Sofía); M. V. Katz, M. J. Doucet, M. J. Stern. The Social Organization of Industrial Capitalism. Cambridge (Mass.) - London. Hechos, Acontecimientos, Personas. Artículos en las publicaciones históricas soviéticas y extranjeras. Nuevos libros en la URSS y en el exterior.
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