A. N. BYKOV. The USSR and the Socialist Community's Economic Development.
The international significance of the Soviet economic experience, the range and specific features of its application in other socialist countries at different stages of their development, the importance of the Soviet assistance to these countries in the period of post-war economic rehabilitation on the socialist basis, in mastering socialist methods of economic management are the subjects of the article. The author underlines the current importance of mutual exchange of the experience accumulated in the fraternal countries for the intensification of Soviet socio-economic development. The role of the Soviet Union, of Soviet principles of practically tested foreign trade relations in the emergence and consolidation of the international socialist division of labour, in implementing the socialist economic integration is also discussed. The article is concluded with the critique of anti-Marxist views on the role of the USSR and its economic experience in the development of the socialist community.
V. D. POLIKARPOV. The 1918 Volunteers.
The subject of the article is the initial, volunteer, stage of the formation of the armed forces of the proletarian dictatorship. The author has singled out those objective factors which were taken into account by Lenin and the Bolshevik Party in their assessment of the difficulties encountered in the defence of the gains of the 1917 October Revolution, the successes scored in this field and the ways of further military construction. The author offers, for the first time in scientific literature, statistical materials obtained by the Supreme Military Inspection in ten uyezds of Central Russia. They contain data on the social status of volunteers, their party affiliation, educational level, military experience, age and marital state. The materials serve the source for the study of class relations in the country and of the socio-class image of the first defenders of Soviet power.
I. F. GINDIN. Specifics of the Development of the Bogoslovsk Mining District in the Late 19th-Early 20th Centuries.
In the period under review the tsarist goverment pursued an active policy of subsidising heavy industry, the factor behind the development of railway transport and the strengthening of the country's defence capacity. One of the loan recipients was the Bogoslovsk mining district in the Urals. In his article the author offers an analysis of the State Bank documents, government decisions on loans, profitable state orders and other forms of direct and indirect support which helped the Bogoslovsk district overcome difficulties and become one of the major mining enterprises in the Urals though retaining, at the same time, the backward forms of economic management.
K. I. RUDELSON, N. M. SHEPUKOVA. Problems of the Assessment of Scientific Value of Documents and the Replenishment of State Archives.
The correct solution of most complicated and urgent problems discussed by the authors ensures the integrity and high quality of the USSR State Archival Fund from which the science of the developed socialist society expects retrospective documentary information. The progress of the archival studies, as is affirmed in the article, is indissolubly connected with the process of integration of this discipline with source studies, methods of documentary studies and information theory.
N. F. LESHCHENKO. On the History of the Emergence of the Marxist Historical School in Japan.
The author traces the process of the consolidation of the materialist conceptions in the Japanese historical science using as an example the study of the Meiji Isin and the genesis of capitalism in the country. He reveals the reasons which have brought these subjects to the forefront of historical science in Japan. The Marxist Japanese historians have resolutely refuted the semi-official view on the essence of the Meiji Isin by demonstrating that Japan developed according to the world historical laws of social development. Today this theme remains in the centre of acute ideological struggle which explains the topicality of the works by Noro Eitaro, Hattori Shiso and Hirano Yoshitaro discussed in the article.
стр. 190
"Problems of History", N, 2, 1983
Articles: A. N. Bykov. The USSR and the Socialist Community's Economic - Development; V. D. Polikarpov. The 1918 Volunteers; [I. F. Gindin.] Specifics of the Development of the Bogoslovsk Mining District in the Late 19th-Early 20th Centuries; K. I. Rudelson, N. M. Shepukova. Problems of the Assessment of Scientific Value of Documents and the Replenishment of State Archives; N. F. Leshchenko. On the History of the Emergence of the Marxist Historical School in Japan. Historical Essays: L. P. Borisov. The Integrational Construction Project on the Angara; G. A. Nevelev. One of Pushkin's Historical Investigations; I. M. Shklyazh. British Colonialist Policy in South Africa. Historical Science in the USSR and Abroad. Surveys: A. O. Zilberman. New Bibliographic Editions on the History of the USSR; G. G. Makhmuryan. Cultural Development of the Peoples of the USSR as Seen by American Sovietologists. Book Reviews: The Russian Town. Pt. 2 - 4. The First Furrow. The Dawn over the Neman. Reminiscences of Active Collective Farm Organisers in the Grodno Region; A. T. Roman. The Participation of Working People of the Moldavian ASSR in the Activity of the Soviets (1924 - 1940); Pushkareva I. M. The February 1917 Bourgeois-Democratic Revolution in Russia; The International Working Class Movement. Problems of History and Theory. Volume 5 - The Builder of Socialism. Fighter Against Fascism; Matti Viikari. Die Krise der "historischen" Geschichsschreibung und die Geschichtsmethodologie Karl Lamprecht (Helsinki). Facts, Events, People. Articles in Soviet and Foreign Historical Journals. New Books in the USSR and Abroad.
de la revue "Questions d'histoire" N 2, 1983
Articles: A. N. Bykov. L'U.R.S.S. et le développement économique de la communauté socialiste ; V. D. Polikarpov. Les volontaires de 1918; [I. F. Guindine.] Les particularités du développement du district de Bogoslovsk à la fin du XIX e - début du XXe siècle ; K. l. Roudelson, N. M. Chépoukova. Problèmes de l'expertise de la valeur des documents et du collectage des Archives d'Etat ; N. F. Lechtchenko. Contribution à l'histoire de la formation de l'école historique marxiste au Japon. Apercus historiques: L. P. Borissov. Le chantier d'intégration sur l'Angara ; G. A. Névélev. Une des études historiques de A. S. Pouchkine ; I. M. Chkliaj. La politique coloniale britannique en Afrique de Sud. La science historique en U. R. S. S. et à Г étranger. Revues : A. O. Zilberman. Nouvelles éditions bibliographiques sur l'histoire de l'U.R.S.S. ; G. G. Makhmourian. Le développement des cultures des peuples de l'U.R.S.S. vu par les soviétologues américains. Comptes rendus des livres : La ville russe. Pt. 2 - 4. Le premier sillon. L'aube sur le Neman. Souvenirs des participants actifs de la formation des kolkhozes dans la région de Grodno ; A. T. Roman. La participation des travailleurs de la R.S.S.A. de Moldavie aux activités des Soviets (1924 - 1940); I. M. Pouchkareva. La révolution démocratique bourgeoise de février 1917 en Russie ; Le mouvement ouvrier international. Questions d'histoire et de théorie. Tome cinquième - Ediicateur du socialisme, combattant contre le fascisme ; Matti Viikari. La crise de l'historiographie " historistique " et la méthodologie de l'histoire de Karl Lamprecht (Helsinki). Faits, événements, hommes. Articles dans les revues historiques soviétiques et étrangers. Nouveaux livres en U.R.S.S. et à l'étranger.
стр. 191
revista "Cuestiones de historia" N 2, 1983
Artículos: A. N. Bíkov, La URSS y el desarrollo económico de la comunidad socialista; V. D. Polikárpov. Voluntarios de 1918; [I. F. Guindin] Peculiaridades del desarrollo de la comarca minera de Bogoslovsk a fines del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX; K. I. Rudelsón, N. IW. Shepukova. Problemas del examen pericial del valor de los documentos y ei completamiento de los archivos estatales; N. F. Léschenko. Contribución al proceso de formación de la escuela histórica marxista en Japón. Ensayos históricos: L. P. Borísov. Obras de integración en el Angara; G. A. Neveliov. Una de las investigaciones históricas de A. S. Pushkin; I. M. Shkliazh. Política colonial británica en África del Sur. Ciencia históricaen la URSS y en el exterior. Resúmenes: A. O. Zilbermán. Nuevas publicaciones bibliográficas sobre la historia de la URSS; G. G. Majmurián. Desarrollo de la cultura de los pueblos de la URSS en la interpretación de los sovietólogos norteamericanos. Reseñ as de libros: La ciudad rusa, Fase. 2 - 4; El primer surco. El amanecer sobre el Niemen. Memorias de los activistas de la construcción koljosiana en la región de Grodno; A. T. Román. Participación de los trabajadores de la RSSA de Moldavia en las actividades de los Soviets (1924 - 1940); I. M. Pushkariova. La revolución democrático- burguesa de febrero del 1917 en Rusia; El movimiento obrero internacional. Problemas de historia y teoría. Tomo cinco: Fundador del socialismo, luchador contra el fascismo; Matti Viikari. Die Krise der "historistischen" Geschichtsschreibung und die Geschichtsmethodologie Karl Lamprecht (Helsinki). Hechos, acontecimientos, personas. Artículos en las revistas históricas soviéticas y extranjeras. Nuevos libros en la URSS y en el exterior.
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