A. Yu. RUDNITSKY. Champion of Peace (75th Birth Anniversary of L. I. Brezhnev, General Secretary, CC CPSU, Chairman of the Presidium, Supreme Soviet of the USSR).
The international activity of L. I. Brezhnev, outstanding statesman and political leader of our time is the subject of the article. The author shows L. I. Brezhnev's weighty contribution to the development of the theory and practice of the Leninist foreign policy, his personal participation in solving crucial diplomatic problems, implementing the historic decisions of the 24th, 25th and 26th CPSU Congresses, in strengthening the unity of the socialist community, extending relations with developing countries and mutually advantageous ties with developed capitalist states, in curbing the arms race and promoting effective disarmament. There is universal recognition of the Soviet leader's great services to the peoples of the world in the struggle for peace and international security, in resolutely upholding the policy of detente which in the 1970s radically changed the whole system of international relations.
A. S. GALITSAN. Collapse of Fascist Blitzkrieg.
The article discusses the Blitzkrieg theory of aggressive wars elaborated by the German militarists in the early 20th century and the fascist strategy in the Second World War based on it. With a wealth of factual material, the author reveals its fallacious and adventuristic character, demonstrates its failure, at the very beginning of the war against the USSR and its utter collapse after the rout of the German fascist troops at Moscow, which was the turning point in the war. Virtually alone, the Soviet Union blocked the way to fascist aggression and prevented its spread to other countries and continents, thereby imbuing in the peoples of the world confidence in the final victory over fascism.
Z. M. KRUGLOVA. The Union of Soviet Friendship Societies. A New Stage of Development.
The article discusses the Blitzkrieg theory of aggressive wars elaborated by the Gerconnected lines - that of inter-state relations and direct contacts between peoples. The latter is realised through constant expansion of international links between mass organisations such as trade unions, the YCL, unions of the creative intelligentsia and scientists, cultural associations of the working people and through broader participation of the public in the work of organisations devoted to strengthening international cooperation. A leading organisation in this is the Union of Soviet Friendship Societies. The author reviews the Union's activity over the last few years, the years of the campaign to extend detente, and participation of the Soviet public in implementing the foreign policy outlined at the 24th, 25th and 26th CPSU Congresses, in the struggle for peace and international cooperation.
V. V. ANIKIN. Urban Migration in the RSFSR in 1950 - 1956
The author deals with one of the least studied aspects of Soviet demographic history. He concludes that urban migration in the RSFSR in the first half and the middle of the 1950s was, according to its basic characteristics, average as compared to the situation of the pre-war period (1926 - 1939), on the one hand, and that of the 1960s-early 1970s, on the other. These basic characteristics are: pace of the urbanisation process, the intensity of urban migration in the Urals, Siberia and the Far East as compared to other economic regions, comparison of urban migration in towns and cities of different sizes. The growth of the urban population of the RSFSR due to migration from the countryside slowed down appreciably in the second half of the period under review. This phenomenon was caused, the author says, mainly by the substantial improvement of the quality of life in the countryside.
V. P. KUDINOV. Communists in the New Zealand Labour Movement
This is a brief survey of the New Zealand Communist movement over the 60 years of its existence-from the establishment in 1921 of the Communist Party of New Zealand (CPNZ) up to the present.
стр. 190
The party was popular among the working masses when it pursued a Marxist-Leninist course. However, when, in the 1960s, it shifted to the positions of ultfa-leftism and Maoism and followed Beijing's divisive policies in the international Communist movement, it lost worker support and became a narrow sectarian organisation.
The Socialist Unity Party of New Zealand formed in 1966 continued the Marxist-Leninist internationalist traditions of the former CPNZ in the labour movement. It is widely represented in New Zealand trade unions, and enjoys support and prestige among the progressive forces in New Zealand and the international Communist and workers' movement.
V. N. VINOGRADOV. Political Centrism in the Weimar Republic and the Formation of the Reichs Partei.
Anxious to overcome the fragmentary character of the party system in the Weimar Republic and strengthen their positions within the framework of the parliamentary regime, bourgeois forces tried to strengthen the political "centre" by establishing a large bourgeois party. The author analyses the struggle on this issue, the differences between the liberals and moderate conservatives over the key political, social and ideological questions.
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