Y. A. POLYAKOV, E. E. PISARENKO. Historical Aspects of Studying the Soviet Way of Life (Statement of the Question)
The article emphasizes the synthetic character of the concept "way of life," which organically demands both the systemic and historic approach. The Soviet way of life is viewed by the authors as a concrete historical phenomenon. They stress the need of studying its emergence in the early years of Soviet power as well as the main stages of its development and perfection during the period of transition and in the era of mature socialism. The Soviet way of life is a dynamic phenomenon which is in the process of uninterrupted development and perfection under the influence of both objective and subjective factors, the most important of which is the singleminded, constantly expanding and deepening activity of the CPSU.
S. N. BOICHENKO. The Working Youth and Its Contribution to the Nation- Wide Effort of Restoring the Firstlings of Socialist Industry
The article highlights the heroic feat accomplished by the Soviet working youth in restoring the major industrial enterprises built in the early period of socialist industrialization (the Lenin Hydropower Plant on the Dnieper, the Zaporozhstal Iron and Steel Works and others). Drawing on archive materials, the author shows the place held by the youth in the ranks of the Soviet working class during the Great Patriotic War and in the first postwar five-year-plan period, the forms of socialist emulation adopted by young workers in the effort to secure preschedule fulfilment of the state plan aimed at the speediest possible restoration and further development of the Soviet national economy.
B. G. LITVAK. Chernyshevsky and Russian Source Research
Drawing on his close study of N. G. Chernyshevsky's articles and reviews written in the period 1853 - 1862, the author characterizes his methods of analyzing narrative sources. Chernyshevsky supported and developed the ideas put forward by D. P. Zhuravsky-the first Russian scientist to employ statistical methods in studying mass documentary sources which reflected the life of the people in its mass manifestations. Chernyshevsky defined the merits and limitations of the statistical method of studying mass documentation and showed the socioeconomic factors which cause evolution of the variety of historical sources. He regarded source research as a complex of methods used depending on the objective qualities of the source under investigation.
M. A. ZABOROV. A History of the International Working-Class and Communist Movement (a brief survey of Soviet literature)
The article systematizes up-to-date Soviet literature (monographs and collections of articles) according to the more conspicuous dominant trends in the history of the class struggle of the international proletariat in modern times and in the more recent period: the working class as a social category, its socio-economic and political struggle at the different stages of capitalism's development, the trade union movement, the Social- Democratic and Communist parties, their international organizations, the crucial events in the destinies of the international working-class and Communist movement (the Paris Commune of 1871, the three Russian revolutions 1905 - 1917), proletatian internationalism.
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The consistent application of the principle of historicism by Soviet scientists, with cine attention being given to the theoretical aspect of the question, the systematic broadening and deepening of the themes-all this is bound to help the working class to realize more clearly the various aspects of the process of fulfilling its world-historic mission.
G. G. BAUMAN. The Tribunists as Depicted in Dutch Bourgeois and Social- Reformist Historiography
The article elucidates the main aspects of bourgeois and social-reformist historiography of the Tribunists-the revolutionary Social-Democrats of the Netherlands, who founded, in 1909, the Social-Democratic Party which was renamed into the Communist Party of the Netherlands in 1918. The development of the Tribunists' historiography is examined in connection with the progress of the class struggle in the Netherlands and beyond its borders. The author arrives at the conclusion that bourgeois and social-reformist historians made a definite contribution to the elaboration of the question, chiefly by drawing new sources into circulation, but, owing to their anti-communist orientation, proved unabte to create a scientific history of the Tribunists.
T. I. SLAVKO. The Use of Mathematics in Studying Mass Historical Sources
The article sums up certain results obtained from the use of mathematical methods in historical science. The author focusses attention on a number of important methodological questions arising therefrom and connected both with the specific nature of historical science and the peculiarities of mathematical subjects.
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