A. V. LIKHOLAT. The Formation and Consolidation of the USSR-A Triumph of the Leninist Nationalities Policy.
The article deals with the socio-economic and political prerequisites of the formation and consolidation of the USSR, a single multinational state, which was an outcome of the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917, an embodiment of Lenin's programme of the nationalities question and the revolutionary creativity of all Soviet peoples. The author reveals the significance of the Leninist nationalities policy for the victory of socialism in the USSR, the construction of the developed socialist society, the formation and flourishing of a new historical community of people-the Soviet people, Ihe further consolidation of fraternal friendship and cooperation of the Soviet socialist nations and nationalities.
A. N. HEIFETS, P. M. SHASTITKO. The Formation of the USSR and the Peoples of the East.
The authors proceed from the premise that the forms and methods employed by the Communist Party of the USSR in building the multinational Soviet state have contributed, to a great degree, to broadening and strengthening friendly relations between the Soviet state and the oppressed peoples of the East. The very first Soviet constitutional acts, the experience accumulated by the RSFSR in the course of the national-state building, the military-political union of the RSFSR and other Soviet republics have exerted a great influence on the peoples of the East. The formation of the USSR has considerably broadened the possibilities for rendering moral-political and material support to the liberation struggle waged by the oppressed peoples stimulated by the principles on which the USSR is based.
A. I. SIZONENKO. 60 Years of Soviet-Latin American Relations.
Relations between the USSR and Latin American countries as well as Soviet foreign policy as a whole are based on the principles of full equality, mutual respect, cooperation, peace and friendship among peoples. The same principles form the basis of the Soviet Union. The history of Soviet-Latin American relations and the consistent implementation of these principles in international relations are the subject of the article.
P. A. ABRASIMOV. Socialist Internationalism in Action (From the History of the USSR-GDR Relations).
The author takes as his subject two aspects of the USSR-GDR relations, namely, their joint activity on international arena and economic ties of the two countries at the turn of the 1980s. The main content of the relations between the two countries is, according to the author, their joint activity in creating optimal external conditions for socialist and communist construction in the socialist countries and further consolidation of economic cooperation between them.
O. I. KONOVALYUK. The Inconsistent Character of the Bourgeois Concepts of Russification and Disintegration of the Soviet State.
The article gives a critical analysis of the concepts of Russification, most popular among bourgeois scholars, and the disintegration of the Soviet multinational state which refutes the existence in the Soviet Union of a new historical community of people- the Soviet people. The author comes to the conclusion that the former is typical of anti-communists, falsifying the history of the national-state building in the USSR in the period of socialist construction, while the latter is current among those Sovietologists who study the history of national relations in the USSR in the period of developed socialism. The author exposes the scientific untenability and reactionary character of both concepts through citing facts on the successes scored by the Leninist nationalities policy of the CPSU, the drawing closer together of Soviet nations and nationalities.
G. V. SEMENCHENKO. Creditors of Moscow Appanaged Princes at the Turn of the 16th Century.
The author studies wills of Moscow appanaged princes containing some information on their debts. This gives a possibility to estimate their property and establish the character of their relations with their creditors. An analysis of debts, of the creditors' social status and citizenship show that the princes, preferring their subjects as their creditors, had to borrow large sums of money from the Grand Prince of Moscow or the upper crust, of Moscow merchants who alone were able to give large loans. The presence of large land-owners among princes' creditors indicate that a considerable part of the ruling class has to adapt itself to the nascent commodity money relations.
стр. 190
"Problems of History", No. 11. 1982
Articles: A. V. Likhelat. The Formation and Consolidation of the USSR - A Triumph of the Leninist Nationalities Policy; A. N. Heifets, P. M. Shastitko. The Formation of the USSR and the Peoples of the Elast; A. I. Sizonenko. 60 Years ot Soviet-Latin American Relations; P. A. Abrasimov. Socialist Internationalism in Action; 0. I. Konovalyuk. The Inconsistent Character of the Bourgeois Concepts of Russification and Disintegration of the Soviet State; G. V. Semenchenko. Creditors of Moscow Appanaged Princes at the Turn of the 16th Century. Publications: From the History of Economic Cooperation of Soviet Republics. Historical Essays: B. A. Lapshov, I. V. Khalevinsky. Consolidation of Early Islam. Historical Science in the USSR and Aorоad. Surveys: E. A. Zeveleva, S. V. Kuleshov. Soviet Historiography of the Last Decade on the Formation of the USSR; V. K. Shatsillo. Problems of the History of American Negroes in The Crisis Jourral. Book Reviews: The Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 and the Victory of Soviet Power in the Ukraine. February 1917-February 1918. Parts 1 - 2; The Victory of the Collective-Farm System in Byelorussian SSR; B. N. Mironov. Home Market in Russia in the Second Half of the 18th-First Half of the 19th Centuries; Documents and Materials on the History of Soviet-Czechoslovak Relations. Vol. 4; M. Ya. Domnich, V. G. Rupets. Christian Syndicalism. 1945 - 1980; Liberation Movements of the Peoples of Austrian Empire. The Emergence and Development. End of the 18th Century-1849; Liberation Movements of the Peoples of Austrian Empire. The Period of Consolidation of Capitalism; K. K. Lamberg-Karlovsky, J. A. Sabloff. Ancient Civilizations. The Near East and Mesoamerica. London. Facts. Events. People. Articles in Soviet and Foreign Historical Journals. New Books in the USSR and Abroad.
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