Yu. V. ARUTYUNYAN, L M. DROBIZHEVA. Social Structure of the Soviet Nations at the Present Stage
The authors investigate the social composition, shifts in the workers-intelligentsiacollective farm peasantry ratio, analyse social mobility among different nationalities and factors behind it, using statistical and sociological data. The conclusion drawn by the authors is that in the modern conditions in terms of the social groups' ratio and their qualitative characteristics (educational and professional level, social activity, etc.) the Soviet nations are drawing closer together. The social structure of the modern Soviet nations becomes more homogeneous both on the country-wide scale and within every individual nation.
V. V. LOZHKIN. Study of the Conditions of the Working Class by the Lenin's "Union of the Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class"
The 1894 questionnaire on the living and labour conditions of the Russian proletariat, discovered by the present author, serves the basis of the article. The results of the 1894 - 1895 poll conducted by the "Union of the Struggle" were used by Lenin in his works and for the drafting of the first Party Programme. This poll, the author says, contributed to the Marxist theoretical development, to the intensification and actualisation of propaganda, to introducing socialism into the Russian working-class movement, to the transition to mass agitation. The author suggests Lenin's authorship of a hitherto unknown manuscript pamphlet and a leaflet of the "Union of the Struggle".
D. M. DRAGNEV, V. I. ZHUKOV, V. I. TSARANOV. Bessarabia's Joining Russia as an Important Landmark in the History of the Moldavian People
The authors analyse favourable consequences of Bessarabia's joining Russia in 1812 such as the liberation from the Osman yoke, which was also a result of centuries-old Russo-Moldavian friendly relations, further socio-economic, political and cultural progress prompted by incorporation of Moldavia into the all-Russian market, by Moldavian people's joining Russian revolutionary-liberation movement and by cultural exchange. The article describes the Moldavian working people's participation in the struggle for the victory of the socialist revolution, the process of socialist construction m the republic, the flourishing oi Soviet Moldavia in the family of the Soviet nations.
R. P. GRISHINA. Georgi Dimitrov and the Communists' Struggle for Peace, Against War Danger
The author takes as her subject Dimitrov's activities in the Bulgarian anti-war movement which unfolded under the impact of the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 and his anti-war activity in the Comintern. The article pays particular attention to Dimitrov's role in the preparation of the Amsterdam anti-war congress held in 1932, in the elaboration by the 7th Comintern Congress of a new approach to the organisation of the massive anti-war movement, and also to Dimitrov's anti-war activity aimed at undermining plans of fascist war-mongers.
N. M. GUREVICH. Socio-Economic Prerequisites of the Afghan 1978 Revolution
The 1978 revolution was caused by dissatisfaction of the broad popular masses, peasants in the first place, with the deterioration of their conditions. In the post-war period, in the context of the feudal system, the per capita agricultural production lowered while the shift from the state-feudal to the private feudal system led to the intensification of the exploitation in the countryside, as a result of which the peasants were growing poorer while traders, usurers and landowners were growing richer. In conclusion the author analyses the pre-revolutionary political crisis in Afghanistan,
B. G. MOGILNITSKY. Marxist and Bourgeois Historism (An Attempt at a Comparative Analysis)
The author gives a comparative analysis of the two main forms of historism engendered by the 19th- century European thought, that of Marxist and bourgeois historism, discusses the process of the emergence and development of Marxist-Leninist historism, its characteristic features and cognitive potentialities, the destinies of bourgeois historism, its main trends and its present crisis. The article forwards a proposition that Marxist-Leninist historism is the only truly scientific form of historical approach to social phenomena and processes.
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"Problems of History", N. 7, 1982
Articles: Yu. V. Artityunyan, L. M. Drobizheva. Social Structure of the Soviet Nations at the Present Stage; V. V. Lozhkin. Study of the Conditions of the Working Class by the Lenin's "Union of the Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class"; D. M. Dragnev, V. I. Zhukov, V. I. Tsaranov. Bessarabia's Joining Russia - an Important Landmark in the History of the Moldavian People; R. P. Grishina. Georgi Dimitrov and the Communists' Struggle for Peace, Against War and War Danger; N. M. Gurevich. Socio-Economie Prerequisites of the Afghan 1978 Revolution; B. G. Mogilnitsky. Marxist and Bourgeois Historism (An Attempt at a Comparative Analysis). Historical Essays: V. M. Rodionov. Russian Technology of the First Half of the 19th Century; K. F. Shatsillo. Liberals and the Russo- Japanese War; A. P. Levandovsky. Saint-Just's Ardennes Mission. Historical Science in the USSR and Abroad. Book Reviews: A. M. Samsonov. The Defeat of the Werhmaht at Moscow; P. A. Selivanov. Belorussian Soviets' Military Activity in 1917 - 1920; Yu. N. Netesin. Latvian Industrial Capital. 1860 - 1917 Socio-Economie Prerequisites of the Great October Socialist Revolution; E. I. Druzhinina. Southern Ukraine in the Period of Crisis of Feudalism. 1825 - 1860; A. N. Kirpichnikov. Ancient Oreshek. Historical-Archaeological Essays on the Fortress at the Neva Sources; Soviet-Mexican Relations from 1917 to 1980. A Collection of Documents; N. V. Emelyanova. Britain and the Paris Commune; A. M. Grigoryev. Revolutionary Movement in China in 1927 - 1931. Problems of Strategy and Tactics; E. B. Smith. Francis Preston Blair. New York-London; J. Galantai. Die Osterreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie und der Weltkrieg. Budapest, and others. Facts, Events, People. Notes on Articles Published in Foreign Journals. Articles in Soviet and Foreign Scientific Journals. New Books in the USSR and Abroad.
de la revue "Questions d'histoire", N 7, 1982
Articles: You. V. Aroutiounian, L. M. Drobijeva. La structure sociale des nations soviétiques à l'étape contemporaine; V. V. Lojkine. L'enquete de la condition des ouvriers par " L'union de lutte pour la libération de la classe ouvrière" léniniste ; D. M. Draghnev, V. I. Joukov, V. I. Tsaranov. Le rattachement de la Bessarabie à la Russie, jalon important dans l'histoire du peuple moldave; R. P. Grichina. Guéorgui Dimitrov et l'action des communistes pour la paix, contre la guerre et le danger de guerre; N. M. Gourévitch. Les prémisses économiques et sociales de la révolution de 1978 en Afghanistan; B. G. Moguilnitski. L'historisme marxiste et bourgeois ( expérience de l'analyse comparative ). Apercus historiques: V. M. Rodionov. La technique russe de la première moitié du XIX" siècle ; K. F. Chatsillo. Les libéraux et la guerre russo-japonaise ; A. P. Lévandovski. La mission de Saint-Just aux Ardennes. L a science historique en U. R. S. S. et à l'étranger. Comptes rendus des livres: A. M. Samsonov. La défaite de la Wehrmacht aux abords de Moscou ; P. A. Sélivanov. L'activité militaire des Soviets de Biélorussie. 1917 - 1920; You. N. Nétessine. Le capital industriel de Lettonie ( 1860 - 1917). Contribution à l'étude des prémisses économiques et sociales de la Grande Révolution Socialiste d'Octobre ; E. I. Droujinina. L'Ukraine du Sud dans la période de la crise du féodalisme. 1825 - 1860 ; A. N. Kirpitchnikov. L'ancien Oréchek. Apercus historico-archéologiques sur la ville-forteresse dans la source de la Neva ; Les relations soviéto-mexicaines ( 1917 - 1980). Recueil de documents ; N. V. Emelianova. L'Angleterre et la Commune de Paris ; A. M. Grigoriev. Le mouvement révolutionnaire en Chine en 1927 - 1931 ( problèmes de stratégie et de tactique) ; E. B. Smith. Francis Preston Blair. J. Galantai. La monarchie Autriche-Hongrie et la guerre mondiale, et autres. Faits, événements, hommes. Notes sur les articles; publiés dans les revues étrangères. Articles dans les revues historiques soviétiques et étrangères. Nouveaux livres en U.R.S.S. et à l'étranger.
стр. 191
revista "Cuestiones de historia" N 7, 1982
Articulos: Yu. V. Arutiunián, L. W. Dróbizheva. Estructura social de las naciones soviéticas en la etapa contemporánea; V. V. Lozhkin. Indagación de la situación de los obreros por la "Unión de lucha por la liberación de la clase obrera" leninista; D. M. Drágnev, V. I. Zhúkov, V. I. Tsaránov. Unificación de Besarabia con Rusia: importante jalón en la historia del pueblo moldavo; R. P. Grishina. Guedrgui Dimitrov y la lucha de los comunistas por la paz, contra la guerra y el peligro militar; N. M. Gurévich. Premisas socioeconómicas de la revolución de 1978 en Afganistán; B. G. Moguilnitski. El historicismo marxista y el burgués (experiencia del análisis comparado). Ensayos históricos: V. M. Rodiónov. Técnica rusa de la primera mitad del siglo XIX; K. F. Shatsilo. Los liberales y la guerra ruso-japonesa; A. P. Levandovski. La misión de Ardenas de Saint-Just. Ciencia histórica en la URSS y en el exterior. Resenas de libros: A. M. Samsónov. La derrota del wehrmacht en los alrededores de Moscú; P. A. Selivánov. La actividad militar de los Soviets de Bielorrusia. 1917 - 1920; Yu. N. Netesin. El capital industrial de Letonia (1860 - 1917). Estudio de las premisas socioeconómicas de la Gran Revolución Socialista de Octubre; E. E. Druzhinina. Ucrania del Sur en el periodo de la crisis del feudalismo. 1825 - 1860; A. N. Kirpichnikov. Oréshek antiguo. Ensayos histórico-arqueológicos de la ciudad-fortaleza en el manantial del Neva; Relaciones soviético-mexicanas (1917 - 1980). Rec. de doc; N. V. Emeiiánova. Inglaterra y Comuna de Paris; A. M. Grigóriev. Movimiento revolucionario en China en 1927 - 1931 (problemas de la estrategia y la táctica); E. B. Smith. Francis Preston Blair. New York - London; J. Galantai. Die Österreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie und der Weltkrieg. Budapest, etc. Hechos, acontecimientos, personas. Apuntes sobre articulos publicados en las revistas extranjeras. Articulos en las revistas históricas soviéticas y extranjeras. Nuevos libros en la URSS y en el exterior.
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