V. A. KUCHKIN. The Victory of the Russians on Kulikovo Field
The article examines the pre-history of the Battle of Kulikovo. giving a characteristic of the Golden Horde, Lithuania and the Russian principalities in the sixties and seventies of the 14th century, and showing their preparation for the decisive battle. Drawing on the oldest historical records, the author illustrates the progress of the battle on Kulikovo Field and the utter defeat of the Horde. The article underscores the impact the Battle of Kulikovo had on the course of political development of Eastern Europe in the 1380's and on the process of consolidation of the Russian lands, which led to the formation of a single Russian state headed by Moscow.
D. O. SOKOLOV. Soviet Radio and Television in the Eighth Five-Year-Plan Period
The article focusses attention on a number of questions connected with the development of the material and technical base of the Soviet radio and television system, the training of specialists in this field and the effectiveness of the operation of these mass information media. The chronological framework of the article is determined by the fact that the period under review witnessed important quantitative and qualitative changes in the development of the radio and television network, which ensured the continued progress of these mass information media. Radio and television today have become part and parcel of the Soviet people's everyday life throughout the length and breadth of our vast country.
Y. I. SHESTAK. The October Revolution and the Bankruptcy of the Bund
The article illumines the process of the bankruptcy of the petty-bourgeois nationalist ideology and policy of the Bund after the victory of the socialist revolution in Russia. Drawing on a number of new documents, the author discloses the conciliatory nature of Bundists' activity in the period of the preparation and carrying out of the October Revolution, their persistent efforts to hamper the establishment and, subsequently, the consolidation of Soviet power. A wealth of factual historical material has enabled the author to show how the non-acceptance of the socialist revolution and open resistance to it quite logically led the Bund towards isolation from the masses, precipitated an internal crisis and split within its ranks and, finally, doomed it to ideological, political and organizational collapse. Much importance is attached in the article to highlighting the Bolsheviks' tactic in relation to the Bund, which combined an irreconcilable struggle against its nationalism and counter-revolutionary tendencies with the efforts to win over its healthy elements to the side of the revolution, to re-educate them in the spirit of proletarian internationalism and socialism.
R, F. IVANOV. The Negro Problem in the U.S.A. in the Light of Lenin's Ideological Heritage
Guiding himself by Lenin's appraisals concerning the role and place of the Negro problem in the history of the U.S.A., the author examines the complex set of socio- economic and socio-political questions comprising the sum and substance of the Negro problem in the United States of America at the present stage. The article traces the class roots of the policy of discrimination to which millions of black Americans are subjected. The author examines the racial discrimination of Negroes in the U.S.A. in the sphere of employment, education, wages and housing, at the same time analyzing the forms and methods of struggle waged by the country's progressive forces against the system of race discrimination.
E. V. KOVALEV. The Agrarian Reform in Mexico
The article examines the class essence, nature, scope, forms and methods of carrying out an agrarian reform in Mexico at different stages, as well as its influence on the country's agricultural production. The agrarian reform in Mexico is one of the most
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radical bourgeois transformations in Latin America. Initiated in the period of the Mexican revolution of 1910 - 1917, this reform was not immediately conceived as a deep-going, radical restructuring of the agrarian system, but became merely a tendency which grew much more active only in the second half of the thirties (under President Lazaro Cardenas). The agrarian reform in Mexico cannot be called a landlord reform, nor was it an entirely peasant reform even at the time of the structural changes introduced by Cardenas. The redemption payments for the land alienated from the landlords were almost completely absent in it, but at the same time there existed the high inalienability limits fixed on the landlord holdings. The reform accelerated the capitalist development of Mexican agriculture.
I. I KOVALENKO. The Communist Movement in Japan During the Early Postwar Years
The article is devoted to the struggle waged by the country's progressive forces under the leadership of the Communist Party of Japan (CPJ) for the democratization and demilitarization of Japan in the early years following her unconditional surrender. The article tells about the re-establishment of the Communist Party of Japan which was suppressed by the military fascist regime way back in 1935 and which could not display its ability to act as a nation-wide political force until the unconditional surrender of Japanese militarism in September 1945. The author highlights the achievements of the CPJ and analyzes the difficulties the resurgent party had to contend with in the early period of its legal activity. These difficulties were caused not only by the repressive actions of the American occupation forces and Japanese reactionaries, but also by the mistakes and blunders committed in the process of formulating the party's strategic course in the harsh conditions created by the occupation of Japan.
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