Libmonster ID: VN-1375
Author(s) of the publication: N. V. CHERNIKOVA

In the magazine " Russian Speech "(2000. N 6) was published an article by G. A. Zavarzina " Without ideological layers (Socio-political vocabulary at the end of the XX century)", which examines the words that previously denoted the realities of foreign or pre-revolutionary reality. And in recent times, they have become actively used in application to the concepts of modern Russian life (for example, unemployment, strike, Duma, governor, etc.).

The reoriented vocabulary mainly affects the sphere of economic life in modern Russia, because it is here that there is an urgent need to designate many new phenomena for society related to the market economy and which have long had their own nomination abroad. First of all, it is necessary to highlight the key concepts of the market economy - business and entrepreneurship. Explanatory dictionaries of the older generation of Russian have preserved the ideological assessment of these words, reflecting the unacceptability of such phenomena in the economy of the Soviet state. The word business in the "Dictionary of the Russian Language" in 4 volumes under the editorship of A. P. Evgenieva (1981-1984, hereinafter MAC) is interpreted as "a business enterprise, a clever scam, etc. as a source of personal enrichment, profit" with the mark colloquial. And the word entrepreneurship-as "the activity of an entrepreneur; a tendency to set up profitable enterprises, to scams" with a note of disapproval.

However, during the perestroika period, it was precisely with entrepreneurial activity, with the development of big business, that hopes for the recovery of the destroyed economy were associated: "It is the district councils that should provide active support to the nascent state, cooperative and private businesses" (Leningr. truth. 1990. Aug 22). A change in ideology led to a different attitude towards business and entrepreneurship as typical phenomena of a market economy. And already in the " Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language of the late XX century. Linguistic changes "edited by G. N. Sklyarevskaya (1998, further Explanatory Dictionary of the late XX century) the word business is devoid of its former negative evaluation:" entrepreneurial activity related to commerce, production and sale of goods, provision of services to the population, etc."

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The attitude to the derived words businessman and entrepreneur has also changed. If the word entrepreneur is marked with two values in the MAC: 1) "capitalist, owner of an industrial, commercial, etc. enterprise"; 2) (disapproved) "businessman, clever organizer of profitable enterprises", then in the last decade the activity of real entrepreneurs is considered as a positive activity of initiative, energetic people. For example: "An entrepreneur (individual or collective) is a completely new type of economic organizer. It is dynamic and constantly being searched for. He is looking for the sphere of application of his forces and means, not forgetting about the proper level of technical equipment of production, the need to introduce new forms of its organization "(Coma. truth. 1990. September 20).

Many other words denoting natural phenomena of the market economy have also experienced a similar "rehabilitation". For example, commerce and competition. Thus, the noun competition in MAC is explained as "the struggle between capitalists to ensure the highest profit under capitalism." In the latest dictionaries, the interpretation of the word does not contain any indication of the rigid attachment of this phenomenon to the capitalist system. For example, in the Explanatory Dictionary of the late XX century, competition is "competition between producers of goods and services for better, more economically favorable conditions for the production and sale of products." With a positive assessment, this word is often used in journalistic texts: "Competition is a huge driving mechanism. And one of the most important tasks in the economy is the development of competition, entrepreneurship, and risk. To do this, we must develop the market and create stable laws. History shows that those cultures that refused to compete degraded, even if they had very good initial conditions." 1991. February 7).

The reorganization of the political structure of state and local government, the market system of management contributed to changes in the social and educational spheres, cultural and everyday life of society. The formation of the socio-cultural national fund in the perestroika and post-perestroika period is seriously affected by the realities of foreign life. This is expressed in the borrowing of various concepts and is accompanied by a reorientation of the lexical units that name them. In some areas of Russian life, there is a return of certain social, cultural and other phenomena from the pre-revolutionary past of Russia, and therefore their names are also returning. Let's look at some examples of such updated lexical units.

First of all, these are words that define social status in society, attitudes to property, lifestyle and activities.

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Modern Russian society is gradually getting used to the concepts of aristocracy and nobility inherited from pre-revolutionary Russia. The most interesting noun from the point of view of modern speech usage is beau monde. In MAC, this word is missing. And in the "Dictionary of Modern Russian Literary Language" in 17 volumes (1950-1965, hereinafter BAS) it is recorded in the following meaning:" the top of bourgeois society, the highest society "with the mark"pre-revolutionary". In the last decades of the XX century, the word returned from the passive vocabulary to the active one and began to be used in the sense of "especially important persons" ( political beau monde, theatrical beau monde, etc.).

However, most often this word is found with an ironic connotation, as evidenced by newspaper examples.: "Directors of Moscow schools and the ubiquitous beau monde - writers, poets, journalists-came to the presentation of the Tutor Russian language School "(Kome. truth. 1993, September 11); " The cinematic beau monde not only admired itself, but also gathered strength to applaud those who were named the best of the past year by the Kinotavr film company "(Kome. truth. 1994. February 15). The disparaging and ironic tone with which the word beau monde is used in these contexts indicates a change in the word's evaluative coloration. Apparently, the modern beau monde is determined by different criteria in comparison with the pre-revolutionary one. Hence the irony, which is reinforced in the first example by the epithet omnipresent, i.e. " keeping up with everything, taking part in everything (usually jokingly or ironically) "(BASS).

The semantic-evaluative rethinking of the nouns philistine and official was carried out. The BASS notes that the word philistine has two meanings: 1) (obsolete) "permanent resident of any locality"; 2)"a person deprived of a social outlook, with stagnant philistine views, living in small, personal interests". It was in the second meaning, with a negative rating, that the noun philistine was used in Soviet times. For example, in V. N. Azhaev's novel " Far from Moscow "we read:" We, Soviet people, do not seek an easy life for ordinary people who think only of their own well-being. We are for a hard life in the name of a bright future." This meaning of the word has become a derivative for the abstract noun philistine with a strongly negative (contemptuous) assessment. In BAS, we find: philistinism - " lack of public outlook, narrow interests, inertia."

Modern journalism, oral speech indicate the activation of the noun philistine with a new shade of meaning and a change in its evaluative status: "Once I called Gazprom and asked if they knew where my vouchers were... I, as a naive layman, thought that I would not have to run for a long time for what has already been paid

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in full with the same vouchers... It's already winter in the yard. There is no money, as well as promotions and vouchers. I don't get too upset. I'm not going anywhere to find the truth. As a patient philistine, I will wait" (Komsomolskaya Pravda. 1996. 2 Dec.). In this context, the word philistine is used in its traditional meaning - "resident". Here you can clearly feel not a contemptuous, but a jokingly ironic assessment, reinforced by the contextual environment of the word - the epithets naive and patient.

The "costs" of social development, the exorbitant increase in the administrative apparatus as the realities of perestroika reality led to the return of the noun official from the language of pre-revolutionary Russia. In the BAS it is interpreted as follows: 1) "a person who is in some rank in the civil service (in pre-revolutionary Russia and abroad)"; 2) (translated) "a person who confines himself in some business to the formal performance of his duties". Modern speech use of the word" civil servant " with a neutral assessment is not often found, for example: "Information is still in the hands of the apparatus, that is, competent officials, young and old, progressive and conservative-all sorts, who, of course, are interested in its influence on decision - makers." in the appropriate way for the apparatus" (Culture. 1993. November 11).

Much more often, the noun official is used in a diffuse meaning, i.e. combining in its semantic structure both lexical and semantic variants-direct and figurative meanings:" civil servant " + "indifferent, self-serving employee, bureaucrat". For example: "Even now, certain financial and industrial groups with a criminal connotation are able to buy a mercenary official, including a senior one, including in the special services" (AiF. 1996. N 3); " An official, as practice shows, can almost always be bought. This will require only a small trickle from the river of advertising money" (AIF. 1999. N 19).

The reoriented vocabulary also includes names of educational institutions that did not exist in Soviet times and appeared on the waves of perestroika. These are high schools, lyceums, and colleges. The first two were known in pre-revolutionary Russia. MAC defines the semantics of these words as follows: gymnasium - "In pre-revolutionary Russia and some foreign countries: a secondary general education institution"; lyceum-1) "a privileged male secondary or higher educational institution in pre - revolutionary Russia", 2) "a secondary educational institution in France and some other countries"; college - "a higher or higher education institution for men". a secondary school in England, the United States, and some other countries."

In modern Russian education, these educational institutions are schools (colleges, technical schools) of a new type:

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either with an in-depth study of a number of subjects of the humanities cycle (gymnasium, sometimes lyceum), or with a practical bias (college, sometimes also lyceum). These new type of educational institutions assume a non-standard learning process, non-traditional teaching methods, and the presence of highly qualified teachers. Sometimes colleges, gymnasiums, and lyceums are marked with a halo of prestige and are called upon to fulfill a social order for elite education. For example: "According to the new document, it is allowed to create schools not only by state authorities, but also by private individuals. In fact, these will be closed prestigious schools-gymnasiums and lyceums, created on the type of closed elite schools" (Mosk. coms. 1995. July 5).

The sociolinguistic side of the described phenomena is associated with changes in the sphere of treatment, as well as the accepted forms of mentioning a person. Addressing the other person is the most commonly used language unit. Establishing speech contact and regulating social relationships are important social functions of communication, so their use is always in the zone of close social and linguistic attention. As you know, Russian society refused the officially accepted address of comrade in the Soviet country. Unfortunately, there is currently no official form of address (or mention) in our etiquette. However, gradually, the seemingly long-forgotten mister, mistress, and lady are returning to speech usage from the pre-revolutionary past of Russia.

Not used in Soviet times as an element of bourgeois - noble speech etiquette, the word mister, however, retained its official status as an address to foreign citizens in the sphere of diplomatic and business communication. Confirmation of this is found in A.M. Selishchev: "Sir. This word is used by communist leaders in an ironic sense in relation to their opponents... However, in the language of diplomatic relations, the word "master" retains its former meaning (Selishchev A.M. Language of the revolutionary Era, Moscow, 1928).

Speech practice of recent years shows that the noun mister (sirs) is more often used as an address (or mention) in an official setting in relation to persons invested with the highest state authority or engaged in large business. Here are some examples from journalistic texts:" The idea of such a similarity of the confederation belongs to the President of Kazakhstan, Mr. Nazarbayev... " (Smena. 1994. July 8); "Due to their "youth", gentlemen businessmen bought equipment from domestic companies. But they quickly realized the absurdity of IBM's deliveries from, say, Ryazan" (Delovoy Peterburg, 1998, January 17). In addition, there is an upr-

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The sobriety of the address is expressed with an ironic connotation: "The queue is a phenomenon, they are indestructible. Queues in stores have almost disappeared, but what is it? What do we stand for, comrades? That is, gentlemen, what I wanted to say... For the currency. For tokens in the subway. For shares of your favorite JSC "(AiF. 1995. N 8); " Dear gentlemen thieves! Please do not enter this house. Your comrades have already been here and taken away everything they could." truth. 1995. October 25).

Less often, the nouns lady and mistress are used as addresses. The word ladies is usually used in the traditional address Ladies and Gentlemen! in a particularly solemn setting at meetings, official receptions, presentations, concerts, etc., the lady is sometimes used to indicate that she belongs to the female sex. For example: "Agreed to ridiculously. One member of parliament said that she spoke with veterans 'organizations yesterday, and they said that they were very satisfied with the Presidential Decree and asked us to extend the term of office for another two years" (Advertising Bulletin. 1996. N 38).

Thus, the modern speech activity of the nouns mister (address, mention), lady (mention) states that their meanings do not indicate that they belong to capitalist reality.

So, at the turn of the century in the Russian language there is a reorientation and actualization of lexical units of various thematic areas, which previously belonged to the passive fund of the dictionary, as they called the realities of pre-revolutionary or foreign reality. The semantics of these words have now been freed from the previously negative evaluation caused by the ideology of the Soviet era. The change in public consciousness during the Perestroika and post-perestroika period led to the" de-ideologization " of these lexical units. All these processes - reorientation, actualization," de-ideologization " of words-are forms of language dynamics and largely depend on the perception of objectively existing realities of modern life by society.



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