Libmonster ID: VN-1436

Saint Petersburg

The conference "Small ethnic Groups of Insular Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania and protection of their rights" was organized by the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great Museum (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the assistance of the North-Western Academy of Public Administration (SZAGS) as part of the traditional Readings in memory of N. N. Miklukho-Maklay. The Organizing Committee of the conference was headed by M. V. Stanyukovich (MAE RAS) and V. R. Atnashev (SZAGS).

The conference was held on April 12, 2010 and was organized in sections. At the morning session, the section "Ethno-political conflicts and their settlement; International law" was held under the chairmanship of V. R. Atnashev.

In his report "Problems of Legal qualification of genocidal Actions of States in the practice of the UN Security Council" S. V. Korostelev based on the analysis of the military conflicts in Rwanda, Cambodia and Yugoslavia concluded that the UN's activities to prevent genocide are ineffective. It was noted that the formal center for political decision-making (UNSC) and the real "centers of power" of the modern world (India, Brazil) do not coincide. The great Powers-members of the UN Security Council - are guided only by their own interests and are not inclined to compromise.

V. R. Atnashev in his report "International law and the problem of resolving ethnic and political conflicts in Indonesia", noting the criticism of the panchasila ("five principles") state ideology by a number of Indonesian political parties, identified latent ethnic and political conflicts that threaten the unity of the country. Emphasizing the difference between an ethno-political conflict and a religious one, he pointed to the most dangerous latent conflict in Western New Guinea (formerly Irian Jaya Province, now West Papua), where representatives of the local population are fighting for independence, uniting in several organizations, of which the largest is the Organization for a Free Papua (Organ-isasi Papua merdeka"). Papua is home to the world's largest copper reserves, gold mines, and Indonesia's largest oil and gas reserves. Legally, the local population cannot gain independence, since in a 1969 referendum, Papua was recognized as part of Indonesia. In fact, both the Government and the army are interested in controlling the territory of Papua. Due to the Javanization of Papua, the local population demands protection of their rights, and since 2002, Irian Jaya province has been granted the status of a special province of West Papua with its own flag and anthem, and most importantly, with the right to receive 80% of revenues from the sale of mineral resources developed in it. The independence of East Timor and the interest of its neighbors in the territory of Papua pose threats, firstly, to the armed struggle for independence and, secondly, to the internationalization of the conflict. Possible experience in preventing violence can be found, according to the speaker, in the actions of the UN to pacify East Timor and ASEAN to pacify Aceh.

In his report "Tolerance and problems of state regulation of labor migration" G. V. Alekseev emphasized that tolerance can only be mutual (all participants in social action must adhere to it), and formulated the current threat to the preservation of traditionally high tolerance in Russian society - the widespread spread of illegal labor migration. Migrants, as a rule, having a low educational level, do not seek to assimilate the norms of the society that gives them work, and, therefore, in this case, we can speak of a lack of tolerance.

Yu. G. Shipilov (SSAG) considered the problems of legal regulation of the use of force by law enforcement agencies to counter illegal migration. He pointed out the main areas through which illegal migration flows to the Russian Federation: Kazakhstan (7,000 km of unguarded border), China (3,500 km), and the Caucasus. The speaker also noted the importance of migration flows

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The North-Western Federal District, through which migrants cross to Europe. Despite the sufficiently developed legal framework for forceful counteraction to illegal migration, he stressed, no official will take responsibility for the use of weapons against illegal migration.

E. V. Bakman (ZAGS) in her report "Legal status of Aboriginal women in Australia" noted the facts of discrimination against them. During the discussion of the report by A. Ya. Massov (St. Petersburg)GMTU) stressed that the concepts of crime themselves are very different among the white population of Australia and Aborigines, and therefore crime statistics do not correspond to anything. And it is possible to talk about discrimination only if we do not take into account the socio-cultural context in which the discussed actions occur, which are not necessarily perceived as crimes by their participants.

At the evening session, the section "Ethnography of small ethnic groups" was held under the chairmanship of V. R. Atnashev.

A. K. Kasatkina (MAE) in her report "A few words about the rhetorical means of Indonesian nationalism" analyzed the reflection of the state ideology of panchasila in Indonesian textbooks. Rhetorical techniques are used to implement it. Among them are the metaphor " Indonesia-a bridge "(between Asia and Australia, the Indian and Pacific Oceans), the use of inclusive and exclusive pronouns, the metaphors "nation-family", " Indonesia-common home "(using visual rhetoric), panchasila as the sun shining its rays on the entire territory of Indonesia, as well as Malacca. the peninsula, which can be seen as a reflection of the foreign policy doctrines of the republic.

P. L. Belkov (MAE) in the report " The concept of a small group. Theory and practice of research " called for reconstructing the mobile associations of people that make up the traditional constructs of ethnography-people, tribe, community, etc. A. O. Zakharov (IB RAS) in his report "Modern trends in the historiography of Sumatran peoples" outlined the essence of new methodologies-the world-system paradigm and the history of concepts - in the study of history Sumatra. These methodological concepts made it possible to clarify the traditional idea of the important role of trade in the history of the island by referring to new objects-mobile identities (self-consciousness of ethnic groups) and the processes of ethnogenesis (formation and reform of an ethnic group). Two concepts of Batak ethnogenesis proposed by L. Andaya and D. Perret were compared. While L. Andaya attributes the emergence of Batak identity to the XV-XVIII centuries and connects it with the religious system of Perbegu/pemenu, D. Perret believes that a special Batak identity was formed in the XIX century under the influence of colonialism and migration processes; in earlier times, the concept of "Batak" initially had only a territorial meaning, denoting an inhabitant the interior of the island, having received after the transition to Islam of the inhabitants of the coastal connotations of a non-Muslim lifestyle. V. N. Kislyakov (MAE) in his report "MAE collections on small Austronesian peoples and their collectors" reconstructed biographical data about the collectors of the collections donated to the Kunstkamera, in particular about the Turnbull couple, Grubauer, G. Meyer, O. V. Stackelberg, V. V. Svetlovsky. Kozmin (RSUH) in his report "Fish Enumeration: Varying mythological themes in Maui narratives" reviewed some Polynesian myths about the islands ' origin as a result of fishing. A. A. Lebedeva (MAE) in her report "Tablets that tell stories": an example of the formation of a local tradition in a closed society" spoke about the situation that has developed over the past 80 years Since the 1930s, there has been a tradition of depicting mythical subjects on a wooden tablet among the inhabitants of the Palau Islands. A special feature of these images is the combination of different events of the story in one drawing. This tradition is compared with the Russian bast art. The speaker noted that these subjects are closely related to the tourism business and, apparently, do not belong to traditional culture.

Massov A. Ya. (Saint Petersburg State Marine Engineering University) un-t) in the report " Unknown autograph of N. N. Miklukho-Maklay?" He drew attention to a recent discovery in the Russian National Library (formerly named after him. Saltykov-Shchedrin) to the publication of speeches by Miklukho-Maklay in 1882, presented by him to Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich in 1887. The importance of this autograph lies in the author's editing of the printed text, which makes it possible to doubt the authenticity of the traditionally considered most reliable publication of the famous ethnographer's speeches in the Golos newspaper and, accordingly, in the six-volume collection of his works that repeats this publication.

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In the report "Ifugao (Philippines) in the context of the Spanish colonial policy of the late 19th century", co (MAE) reconstructed the activities of missionaries during the colonization of the Philippines and came to the conclusion that Spanish colonialism on these islands is milder in comparison with Latin America. GU) in her report "The Malays of North Sumatra in the reports of Ibn Battuta" summarized the data of an Arab traveler about the Sultanate of Samudra Pasey based on her own translation of his stories from Arabic into Russian.

The Conference confirmed the importance of Southeast Asia in modern politics and the traditionally high level of ethnological research in Russia, based on the continuation of the ascetic work of N. N. Miklukho-Maklay.



The XX International Scientific Conference " Man and Nature. Problems of Socio-Natural History", organized by the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the A. Mickiewicz University, the journal "History and Modernity" with the participation of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Central Museum of Taurida, the I. Gasprinsky Republican Crimean Tatar Library, the weekly "Peninsula" and the Sudak Faculty of Management and Economics V. I. Vernadsky Tauride National University.

Since 2000, a wide participation of Polish scientists in the annual conference "Man and Nature" has become permanent, the conference on the composition of the main participants has since become Russian-Polish, and when held in the Crimea - Russian-Polish-Ukrainian. The conference is held alternately in Ukraine, Russia and Poland.

More than 50 reports were submitted and accepted by the organizing committee, whose authors are specialists in various fields of knowledge: historians, sociologists, biologists, philosophers, psychologists, mathematicians, physicists, mainly doctors of relevant sciences. Most of the reports corresponded to articles published in the journal "History and Modernity" in 2009-2010 and the collection of the series "Socio-natural History" in 2010. The articles of those participants who did not have the opportunity to attend the conference in person were discussed. This system allows speakers to focus on the main points and detailed explanations of illustrative material, and debaters-to enter into discussions also what is published.

The conference heard 22 plenary reports divided into four topics, and held 4 round tables, where 18 reports and presentations were made.

Like the previous ones, this conference was opened with two reports: E. S. Kulpin-Gubaidullin (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) "Socio-natural history in research and teaching of History in the XXI century" and M. Volos (Poland)"Modern Russian-Polish relations".

N. O. Kovaleva and I. V. Kovalev presented the report "Estate construction in Russia as a new way of developing the natural environment and an element of landscape policy" on the topic "Landscape and ethnos", which used extensive illustrative material to trace the relationship between the anthropogenesis of the natural landscape and social and cultural shifts in modern Russian society in a comparative analysis with land use in traditional manor houses. Then there were reports by S. K. Kostovskaya (co-rapporteurs O. G. Cherepkov and V. O. Stulyshapku) (IG RAS) "Socio-ecological characteristics of the region as a basis for predicting conflict situations" and O. Tsitzer (Moscow) "Evolution of natural and climatic conditions of the Aral Sea region". The reports focused on the analysis of conflict situations related to environmental management in the Russian Federation and Central Asia. Two reports devoted to the analysis of environmental management and transformation of social relations in Mongolia and Tajikistan were filled with specific and colorful facts and photographs. These are reports-reports on the results of field research of the current year: Agriculture. Syrtypovoi (IPEE RAS) " Mongolia from the desert to the taiga: recovery after a difficult winter

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2009/10" and M. Marshewski (Poland)"Socio-economic consequences of the water crisis in the Republic of Tajikistan". The authors of the reports arrived at the conference directly from these countries after the end of the field season. G. Skrukva (Poland) in his report "Struggle for space, green spaces and construction investments in the city of Poznan 2006 - 2010" analyzed new forms of struggle for the quality of life of self-organizing population in the EU countries (on the example of Poland).

S. Y. Malkov ("Modeling the nonlinear dynamics of world development") devoted his presentation to mathematical methods for studying historical processes. I. Y. Avdakov (Institute of Railway Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences) in his report "History and prospects of railway development" focused on the role of railway communication in the past, present and future. the future in relations between the West and the East, Europe and Asia. O. Mashkina's report "The Chinese Challenge: Prospects for innovative development and educational opportunities" was based on the analysis of the modern Chinese press, changes in the Chinese higher education system, and transformations in the social unconscious of Chinese society.

Three graduate students from Poland reported on the results of their research: I. Skuba " EU-Russia relations. The need for a new format", M. Studenna "Participation and role of Ukrainian women in migration processes after the fall of the USSR", M. Huda-Granat "The Idea of Unity of Lev Platonovich Karsavin: between historical and superhistorical thinking". The great Russian philosophers of the early twentieth century who were expelled from Russia are known to have had a strong influence on the intellectual life of Europe in the first half of the last century. Among them, a special place in the scientific life of Lithuania and Poland was occupied by Lev Karsavin, the development of whose ideas in modern Poland was devoted to the report of M. Huda-Granat. I. Skuba's report attempts to identify opportunities for developing relations between Russia and the EU and Poland's role in this process as a bridge between the West and the East of Europe. M. Studenny's report was devoted to the specifics of migration flows from Ukraine in general labor migration from Eastern to Western Europe.

Five reports were presented on the topic "History of civilizations". Leading researchers of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences E. and A. Aleksandrovsky reported on the results of their fundamental research on the problem "The anthropochemical factor in the evolution of European civilization". They showed the influence of the natural environment, food and household items on the course of social history. A. R. Vyatkin (Institute of Agricultural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences) in his report "Farmers, merchants and state power in the early Han Empire: competition and cooperation in nature management" focused on the relevance of the achievements of Ancient China for the current life of the Middle Kingdom. The chief curator of the Golden Horde antiquities of the State Hermitage M. Kramarovsky in his report "The mythology of Light in the Koran and its reflection in Solkhat" clearly demonstrated the relationship between the ideal in the Koran and the embodiment of the ideal in architecture and tombstones of the Old Crimea-Solkhat.- XIX centuries."he presented his hypothesis about the change in the ethnic composition and religious orientation of the population of Kashmir through the transformation of the landscape and changes in environmental management technologies. In his report "Unexplored Moments in the History of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania", Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the University named after A. Mickiewicz K. Petkiewicz spoke about the introduction of new narrative materials into scientific circulation and on this basis the reconstruction of the life of the Polish Queen Bona.

Four reports and one presentation were discussed on the topic "Self-organization of society". Reports: V. V. Bushuev, V. S. Golubev " Country capital as a development potential (ergodynamic approach)", A. Kh. Burganova "The society of "inner perfection", L. M. Smirnov "The social unconscious of modern Russia", N. I. Mironova "The many faces of socio-cultural space-time". Message by N. O. Kovaleva and I. V. Kovalev "The burning summer of 2010 is the result of the lack of soil and landscape engineering". Special attention was paid to the topics of transformation of the social unconscious in modern Russia and the "burning summer of 2010".

The collection of articles "Man and Nature on the threshold of metamorphosis" with the following content was published by the XX conference (in an electronic version).

Problems of theory: E. S. Kulpin "The Genetic code of Russia"; V. V. Bushuev,

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V. S. Golubev " Country capital as a development potential (ergodynamic approach)"; V. S. Golubev "The phenomenon of time and SEI"; S. Y. Malkov "Modeling of nonlinear dynamics of world development"; A. P. Nazaretyan "Cultural prerequisites for social sustainability"; T. F. Stolyarova "Environmental factors of spiritual culture"; E. M. Khakimov "Principles of evolution of socio-natural systems".

History of civilizations: E. S. Kulpin "Eurasia at the crossroads of three roads"; I. Yu. Avdakov "History of the development of Asian railways and prospects for extending the Trans-Siberian Railway"; A. A. Burkhanov " Golden Horde cities of the Syrdarya basin (on the problem of studying contact zones and historical and cultural ties in the Middle Ages)"; A. A. Danovsky, V. A. Dikarev "On the correlation of climatic and historical epochs based on the materials of the Crimea of the 3rd - 1st millennium. B.C."; M. Jakowska " Between Socialism and the national question. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation as a Russian analogy of the People's Revolutionary Parties of Latin America"; I. L. Izmailov "Islam in Volga Bulgaria: distribution and regional features"; E. A. Fomicheva "Nature and Spirits in the world views of Thais".

Landscape and ethnos: E. S. Kulpin "The Chinese Challenge: the Limits of Growth"; E. Borisova "Disputes around the Rogun Hydroelectric Power Station"; B.-A. Despiney-Zhokhowska "Systemic Transformation and Identity in the Borderlands of Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic"; A.V. Drozdov "Russian Ecological Looting Syndrome"; A. S. Kabirova "Socio-economic Development of Russia".economic situation of Tatarstan during the Great Patriotic War"; P. M. Mozias "China and the global financial crisis"; A. P. Nazaretyan "Cultural prerequisites for social sustainability"; G. Skrukva "Struggle for space, green spaces and construction investments in the city of Poznan 2006-2010"; N. S. Tsintsadze " Demoecological aspects of the agrarian crisis in the Central Black earth provinces of Russia in the understanding of scientists of the second half of the XIX-beginning of the XX century."

XXI century. On the threshold of metamorphosis: E. S. Kulpin "On the verge of the Great Transition"; V. I. Pantin "Prospects of World development: interaction of global economic and global environmental crises"; V. V. Bushuev, V. S. Golubev " Project of socio-humanitarian development of Russia (natural and humanitarian synthesis)"; N. V. Bekirov "Preferences of the Crimean Tatars" M. Studenta "Participation and role of Ukrainian women in migration processes after the fall of the USSR"; SI. Harnish "Storage and transfer of knowledge of civilization in the context of changing technologies"; Yu. Khaliullin " The Golden Horde: a view from the positions of the XXI century "(review); V. V. Khomenko "Development and vocational education".

Discussions: A. Kh. Burganov "The society of "inner perfection"?"; A. Kh. Burganov "The Philosopher's Stone of "being"; S. V. Dobrolyubov" Cycles of sociogenesis of the Russian community"; P. K. Ermolaeva"The significance of biogenetic factors in the socio-natural history of Russia".

Four reports were presented at the round table "Crimea today". Moderator-Director of the Central Museum of Taurida A. Malgin gave an overview of the current political situation in Ukraine and Crimea. Editor-in-chief of the Crimean weekly "Peninsula" A. Emirov and member of the Council (Kenesh) of the Crimean Tatar party Milli Firka (National Party) Sh.Mustafayev spoke: the first about interethnic relations in Crimea at the present stage, the second - about the internal political struggle among the Crimean Tatars. Chairman of the Crimean Branch of the Sociological Association of Ukraine S. Yefimov made a fundamental report on the evolution of political life in Crimea from the collapse of the USSR to the present day. Honored Teacher of Ukraine V. Polyakov highlighted interethnic relations in the Crimea in the XIX-XX centuries.


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As part of the general training program for Confucius Institutes (EC), an international seminar organized by the EC Headquarters was held on October 10-18, 2010 at the People's University of China. It was attended by over 90 leaders of Confucius Institutes and Classes from 37 countries (USA, Thailand, Republic of Korea, Russia, Great Britain, Canada, Belgium, Egypt, Kenya, Philippines, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, etc.). Meetings were organized for them with leading experts on topical issues of traditional culture and modern development of China.

Zhang Liwen's lecture "The main content of Confucianism and its modern significance", in which he proved the enduring importance of the basic Confucian principles: "maintaining balance as a support", "man as a foundation", "harmony as a jewel", should be highlighted among the presented reports. Much attention was drawn to Wu Chunbo's lecture "Comparing the management culture in China and beyond", in which he stated that there is no special "Chinese management style" (unlike, for example, Japanese or American). Attempts to look for foundations in traditional culture only fix individual features, but do not give an idea of the management system as a whole, which is currently only beginning to be formed in the most advanced Chinese enterprises. Wu Jianmin, who has served in the foreign service for many years, including as China's Ambassador to France, presented his view on modern foreign policy, which is moving from the Atlantic to Pacifica. The current rise of China, in his opinion, is carried out not at the expense of other countries (as many Western powers developed in the previous period), but together with these countries, on the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation. Zhou Mansheng presented the education development plan for 2010-2020 adopted by the Government of the People's Republic of China, which should lead to the creation of a knowledge-based society. Other speakers include Sun Yu ("Gugong and Chinese Culture"), Zhou Mingwei ("Chinese Culture in Comparison with Other Countries 'Cultures"), and Wen Tejun ("The Chinese Experience: Foreign Investment, the Financial Crisis, and a Soft Landing").

Special mention should be made of the report of Professor Ge Jianxiong of Fudan University "China: its borders and culture", in which the author showed how the content of the concept of "Middle State" has changed in history. However, we are surprised by the terms used in the speech from the lexicon of the "cultural revolution" - about the "aggression of tsarist Russia", as a result of which China allegedly lost significant territories, as well as some "historical" maps that the speaker gave. On one of them, for example, Baikal with all the surrounding areas was shown as part of the Tang Empire. However, such a relic of an obsolete ideology is perceived as an unfortunate exception against the background of the highly professional level of performances of other specialists.

In addition to the plenary sessions, there was active work in sections organized on a geographical basis. Within their framework, an exchange of views took place between EC directors from different countries on the problems of further development in the field of teaching the Chinese language and spreading Chinese culture.


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