Directional movement.
Properties of the magnetic field of the permanent magnet the neutral zone is the presence of force directed motion (self-motion magnetic) with a strong attraction towards any main pole of the other magnet (magnetized ferromagnetic primary pole permanent magnet).
When connecting opposite poles get motion the chain in two directions (figure 1).
The appearance of an electric current.
The impact of the magnetic field neutral zone - The appearance of an electric current in the conducting loop, moving in a magnetic field of the neutral zone.
In the center of the copper coil insert sharp iron core. Perpendicular to the iron core, touch the center of the plane with the neutral zone of the magnetic cube with axial magnetization and a reciprocating motion without an air gap, parallel to the internal lines of force of the magnet, approximately 1/10 of the plane on a neutral zone - there is multidirectional electric current.
In the center of the copper coil insert an iron core and a plane with a neutral zone of the magnetic cube with axial magnetization perpendicular to the iron core copper coil with a fixed air gap, commit linear motion parallel to the internal lines of force of the magnet, with the approach and removal of the magnetic cubes. (Compare the picture of the current appearance with iron permeability). Obtain a mechanical approach and the removal of the main opposite poles (arriving and departing the magnetic field) - currents in one direction, approximately 30%. In the plane with a neutral zone - 100% current of the opposite direction. The same actions without the iron core - a picture of the physical properties of the magnetic field is the same (figure 3).
Obtaining electric current.
To compare the production of electric current in front of a copper coil with an iron core, we will install a rotating round platform with an electric drive and alternately compare the production of electric current between the ma ...
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