"Problems of war and peace in the Middle East" - under this title, an All-Israel scientific Conference was held in Ashdod at the end of November last year. It was organized by the Alfa-Ashdod-Prosperity Association, supported by the Ministry of Absorption, the Center for Science and Technology, and the Israeli magazine "Thought". More than 30 reports were heard. Among them are " Terror, the ideological Expansion of Islamic fundamentalism and Israel's security "(Prof. A. Rubinchik), "Current state and Prospects for the development of Israel's missile defense against Arab expansion" (Dr. M. Ziskin), "The contribution of repatriated scientists to Israel's Security" (Dr. A. Sharnopolsky), etc. The Conference adopted an "Appeal to the heads of State and peoples of the entire world" to stop international terrorism and stop flirting with reactionary Islamic regimes. Below we present (in abridgment) the report of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A. Nedunov (who has been living in Israel since 1999), which, in our opinion, may be of interest to the Russian reader. A. A. NEDUVA (Israel) Doctor of Medical Sciences The widespread term "political correctness" usually refers to mutual respect for the views and positions of others, even if there is no overlap of opinions; the desire to overcome existing differences and avoid hostility. In theory, political correctness rejects violence and aggression in conflict situations. Initially, the concept of political correctness played a positive role, meaning the development of ideas of humanism and tolerance. However, in recent years, this concept has been increasingly manipulated and abused in order to extract certain benefits for some and suppress others. This is not only a socio-political, but also a psychological problem. * * * Political correctness is designed to reflect humanistic trends in the development of society. It implies not passive adaptation, conformity to the accepted norms of life, but the position of each side in ... Read more

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