M. R. URB Candidate of Philological Sciences Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University An event that has long been expected by specialists and teachers working with the languages of South Africa has taken place in Russian African studies. We are talking about the "Zulu-Russian Dictionary"*, first published in Russia. This is the fruit of many years of painstaking and hard work of its compiler - Anatoly Demyanovich Lutskov, an Africanist, Candidate of Philological Sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an experienced teacher. In our country, A. D. Lutskov is a unique and unique specialist in the Zulu language. Over many years of scientific and teaching activities, the scientist has made a versatile and profound contribution to the study of this language. He published a number of books and numerous scientific articles on African philology. It is enough to mention his work "Fundamentals of Zulu Grammar", published in 2004, which is the first and so far only systematic and detailed description of the grammar of the Zulu language in Russian African studies. The author of the dictionary has shown himself to be a researcher who tracks the processes in the vocabulary of the Zulu language and has an academic approach. While working on the dictionary, he used texts of various genres as sources: periodicals, art works, folklore texts, etc. In addition, most of the material was collected by A. D. Lutskov during the years of work (1970-early 1990) as an editor and announcer in the African editorial office of the Radio Committee, where he conducted broadcasting in Zulu to South Africa. The author's teaching of the Zulu language at the Department of African Studies at the ISAA of Moscow State University was undoubtedly useful in creating the dictionary. Thus, the dictionary was created on the fertile ground of pedagogical practice and science. "Zulu-Russian Dictionary" is intended for the widest range o ... Read more

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