THANKS TO A COMPREHENSIVE STATE PROGRAM, THE EMIRATE IS DEVELOPING AT AN ACCELERATED PACE E. O. KASAEV, Candidate of MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Qatar Keywords:, national development strategy, gas, oil, construction, investment The relatively small Middle Eastern State of Qatar has recently attracted the attention of economists from many countries of the world, primarily due to its exceptionally high rates of economic development. However, there are also objective reasons for this - the huge reserves of hydrocarbons that Qatar supplies to dozens of countries. How does the country manage solid financial resources from the sale of oil and gas wealth? Many aspects that characterize the modern development of the emirate deserve, in our opinion, close attention of experts from Russia. In the spring of 2011, the Qatar National Development Strategy 2011 - 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy 2011 - 2016)came into force1. The document is based on the country's modernization program - "National Vision 2030", according to which the state will ensure the growth of humanitarian, social, economic areas, as well as environmental protection. THE FOUR PILLARS OF DEVELOPMENT The humanitarian section of the five-year Strategy focuses on qualitative improvements in health and education. In particular, in April 2011, the launch of the "National Health Strategy" was announced, which focuses on providing residents with almost all possible medical care today, as well as continuing research work in this area. At the same time, it is taken into account that the country's population (currently 1.7 million people, 300 thousand of them are indigenous Qataris, the rest are immigrants) will increase annually by at least 2.1% and in 2016 will amount to about 2 million 2. Often, medical care for Qatari residents is provided at public expense. The social program aims to improve the quality of life and emphasizes the extremely important role of the ... Read more

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