Key words: N. T. Tyuryakulov, Jeddah, diplomatic relations, repression, Hajj Russia in the twenty-first century seeks to increase its role in the life of Arab and other countries with predominantly Muslim populations. Thus, in 2003, during the session of the UN General Assembly in New York, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Russian Foreign Ministry and the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States (LAS). Our country was granted observer status in the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in 2005, while the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the OIC in Jeddah was opened in 2008. In this regard, the question is of interest: how have our country's relations with one of the leading states of the Arab and Islamic world, Saudi Arabia, developed over the past decades? The essence of Soviet Eastern policy, which Soviet diplomats conveyed to their European colleagues, can be conveyed in the words of a conversation between the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs G. V. Chicherin and the French Prime Minister P. Penleve*: "We strive to elevate the Asian peoples to the highest point of culture and strive to introduce them to the most modern achievements of culture, we support everything progressive and cultural... " 1. FIRST SOVIET AMBASSADOR-KAZAKH The first Soviet ambassador-Kazakh Nazir Tyuryakulovich Tyuryakulov was born in 1893 in the city of Kokand in the family of a large cotton merchant. In 1904. Nazir graduated from Mekteb, in 1906 - the Russian school for the population of national suburbs, and in 1914-the 8th-grade commercial school in Kokand. In 1914-1916, during the First World War, he managed to complete three courses at the Moscow Commercial Institute. In 1917. Tyuryakulov became interested in political activities: first he joined the left SRS, and in October 1918 he became a member of the RCP(b). He served in the Red Army. In 1918-1919, in Kokand, he was secretary of the district executive committee, Commissar of Ed ... Read more

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