V. K. WIEGAND Candidate of Economic Sciences E. N. KORENDYASOV Candidate of Economic Sciences With the achievement of a new post-industrial technological level and the global scale of the international division of labor by the "grandees" of the world economy at the end of the XX century, the struggle for poverty eradication was elevated to the rank of a priority of the entire international community as a necessary condition for the sustainable development of both national economies and the world economic system as a whole. The Millennium Declaration, adopted at the UN Summit in September 2000, provides the most complete and authoritative view of the content of the fight against poverty. It sets out the goals of combating poverty for the period up to 2015-2020 - the "Millennium Development Goals" (MDG)1. If the MDGs are achieved by 2015, 500 million people will be lifted out of poverty; more than 300 million will no longer suffer from hunger; 30 million children will not die before the age of 5; and the lives of more than 2 million mothers will be saved. In addition, the number of people with access to safe drinking water will increase by 350 million, and the number of people with access to basic sanitation facilities will increase by 650 million. 2 As part of the continent-wide New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), African countries have specified these goals, focusing on accelerating economic development and expanding international assistance. POVERTY: PARAMETERS AND CRITERIA With the advent of the MDG program, discussions around the problem of poverty have flared up with renewed vigor. Judgments made by researchers, such as Table 1 Millennium Development Goals Goals Region 1990 Task for 2015 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.Number of people living on income Sub-Saharan Africa (SES) 44,6 22,3 less than $ 1 (as a percentage of the total population) North African Countries (NC ... Read more

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