S. V. PROZHOGINA Doctor of Philology Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences Keywords: modern French-language Tunisian prose, short stories, born in the "Arab spring" A series of revolutionary impulses in both the Maghreb and Mashriq, in the Middle East, was called the "Arab Spring". This is a long-awaited time for the hopes of peoples who are tired of the routine of endless waiting for changes in political regimes, social changes, and the fulfillment of promises to change their lives for the better. But this is a truth formulated in this way in Russian literature: "A person is born for the best.".. Moreover, it must necessarily "sound ""proud", and must live according to the Law of Justice. (I want, of course, to add "Equality and Fraternity", but this, alas, was not available anywhere...) And justice has long been lacking for those who achieved independence half a century ago, throwing off the chains of colonialism. Both then and today, Tunisia was one of the first Arab countries in the Maghreb to light its torch of struggle for independence. page 69 a better life. On December 17, 2010, a young man whose family had lost its breadwinner, father, took his cart of a greengrocer, a vegetable merchant, and went out of desperation to sell his simple goods in the center of the capital, so that his revenue would be a little more... But from there he was rudely chased away, insulted, pointed out that such as he, the place-on the outskirts, where the poor live... And the young man set himself on fire in protest, dousing himself with combustible material, turning into a living flame, sparks of which engulfed both the north and south of Tunis, as if waiting for this fire of human resentment and contempt for the long-hated order in the country. And then the flames spread beyond it... The results of the Arab Spring are far from positive, but we are talking about hopes. The inertia of the movement for universal justice can be born in the bundle of protest ener ... Read more

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