Yu. I. KIRYANOV. Russian Proletariat and the International Working-Class Movement in 1901 - 1904.
The article discusses Socialist and progressive-minded workers' response throughout Europe and America to early 20th-century developments in the Russian working-class movement and its turn from the economic to political forms of struggle. The author cites the facts of moral and material support by workers and democratic public abroad of the struggle of the Russian proletariat, reminds of its evaluation by prominent Social-Democratic leaders which testify to the realisation by them of the fact that the centre of the international revolutionary movement had shifted to Russia.
A. I. OSMANOV. Changes in the Social Structure of Daghestan's Population at the Stage of Developed Socialism.
The author discusses significant social shifts in the composition of the working class, the collective- farm peasantry and the peoples' intelligentsia which have taken place in Daghestan in the period of developed socialism. The material collected by him prompts the conclusion that the social development tendencies in this multinational republic are basically the same as in the USSR as a whole and lead to a greater social homogeneity. The article also dwells on some local specificities such as the correlation between the urban and rural population, between skilled and unskilled labour, etc., which differs from that in the rest of the country.
B. N. MIRONOV. American Bourgeois Historiography of the Russian Feudal Town.
American historians, writes the author, concentrate mainly on the difference and similarities between the Russian and the West European town and associate them with the broader question of the Russian and Western development patterns and the causes behind the Russian revolutions. The author has reached a conclusion that the current American concept counterpoising the Russian and West European town is merely a variant of the opinion held by Russian pre-revolutionary historians. The article emphasises that both the Russian and the West European town served basically the same purpose and settled the same problems though in a different sequence and by different means. The urbanisation processes in both parts of Europe followed the same patterns, were similar in essence but often differed in form.
A. V. GOLUBEV. Soviet-British Relations at the Turn of the 80s.
The article deals with the basic questions of the Soviet-British bilateral relations in the political and military spheres between 1979 and 1983, the period of increased international tension and more complicated relations between the two countries. It underlines the anti-Soviet nature of the policy pursued by the Conservative Government of Margaret Thatcher.
G. B. FEDOROV, L. L. POLE VOI. Kingdoms of Burbista and Decebalus-Tribal Unions or States?
Drawing widely on written, archaeological and other sources the authors demonstrate that "the kingdoms of Burbista and Decebalus (1st centrury B.C. -early 2nd century A. D.) were typical military democratic tribal unions. The social and property differentiation increased significantly under Decebalus, triggering class formation and the emergence of a proto - or pre-state organisation with the parallel preservation of some primitive-communal elements. This process was cut short in the early 2nd century by the Roman congest which ushered in Romanisation of the local Getae-Dacian population.
стр. 190
"Problems of History", No. 7, 1984
Articles: Yu. I. Kiryanov. Russian Proletariat and the International Working-Class Movement in 1901 - 1904; A. I. Osmanov. Changes in the Social Structure of Daghestan's Population at the Stage of Developed Socialism; B. N. Mironov. American Bourgeois Historiography of the Russian Feudal Town; A. V. Golubev. Soviet-British Relations at the Turn of the 80s; G. B. Fcdorov, L. L. Polevoi. Kingdoms of Burbista and Decebalus-Tribal Unions or States? Historical Essays: Yu. N. Bespyatykh. The 1701 Defence of Arkhangelsk Against the Swedes; P. Ya. Bondarev. The Road of Latvian Peasantry to Socialism; A. Ya. Ch;rnyak. The Emergence of Steel-Making Industry in Russia. Historical Science in the USSR and Abroad. Surveys: N. A. Winenko. Recent Soviet Historiography on the Russian Settlement of Siberia in the Period of Feudalism; Yu. A. Pisarev. New Documents and Old Allegations on the Role of the Balkans in Unleashing the First World War. Book Reviews: A. F. Vasilyev. Ural Industry in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945; K. A. Morozov. Karelia in the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945); P. S. Kjibytov. Agrarian Relations in the Volga Area in the Period of Imperialism (1900 - 1917); D. I. Ismail-Zadeh. Russian Peasantry in the Transcaucasus. 1830s-Early 20th Century; A. M. Stanislavskaya Fyodor Ushakov's Political Activity in Greece. 1798 - 1800; Development of Ethnic Self- Awareness of the Slavonic Peoples in the Early Mediaeval Period; A. Yu. Borisov. The USSR and the USA: War-Time Allies; A. B. Let-nev: Social Thought in Western Africa; A. Survey of Czechoslovak History. Vol. 1. Books 1 - 2 (Praha); J. Font ana. Cambio economico у actitudes political en la Espana del siglo XIX (Barcelona). Facts, Events, People. Articles in Soviet and Foreign Historical Journals. New Books in the USSR and Abroad.
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