Soviet Historical Science and the Decisions of the June 1983 Plenum of the CC CPSU
This is an exposition of the extraordinary meeting of the Bureau of the Department of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences held on June 28, 1983. S. Tikhvinsky, Academic Secretary of the Department, and directors of academic institutes and prominent Soviet historians, Academicians and Corresponding Members of the USSR AS, discussed the historians' tasks in the light of the decisions of the June 1983 Plenum of the CC CPSU.
I. M. VOLKOV. Soviet Agriculture in the Period of Developed Socialism
The author demonstrates that the role of the agrarian sector grows in the developed socialist society and its socio-economic functions broaden. The production potential of Soviet agriculture and its productivity have increased in the 1960s and 1970s, but they are still lagging behind the country's requirements. This situation will be greatly improved through the fulfilment of the 26th CPSU Congress' decisions, the USSR Food Programme set for the period of up to 1990 which will ensure transformation of Soviet agriculture into a well-developed economic branch capable of meeting the country's needs in foodstuffs and raw materials.
V. I. ACHKASOV, M. F. YURIEV. The Role of the USSR in the National-Liberation War of the Chinese People and in the Routing of Imperialist Japan
The article reviews the multiform assistance rendered by the USSR to the Chinese people which has fallen victim to the Japanese aggression on the eve and during the Second World War. This contributed both to the material, moral and political aspects of China's ability to resistance. The events of August 1945-the entrance of the USSR in the v/ar against Japan, the rout by the Soviet Army of the Kiangtu Army and the liberation of North- Eastern China-have led to the victorious termination of the war in the Far East, including the war of the Chinese people against imperialist Japan. The authors expose the attempts of foreign scholars, including some Chinese authors, at belittling the Soviet role in defeating imperialist Japan and liberating China from Japanese interventionists as inconsistent.
T. V. BATAEVA, A. D. STEPANSKY. Journals Dealing with the Organisation of Soviet Archives and Soviet Archival Studies
The article reviews the 60-year history of Soviet periodicals related to archives and archival studies and assesses their contribution to the development and improvement of Soviet archives. The Soviet theory of archival studies was initiated by the Arkhivnoe delo journal published from 1923 to 1941, the information bulletin Voprosy arkhivovedeniya (1958 - 1965) which dealt mainly with the problems of restructuring the system of replenishing Soviet archives and is now being developed by the currently published Sovetskie arkhivyjournal. It covers most urgent theoretical and practical problems of Soviet archival studies and gives much attention to problems of archaeography.
L. M. MINAEV. Struggle for the Alliance Between Workers and Peasants in Bulgaria
The authors see the 1923 September uprising as an important turning-point in the history of struggle of two main classes of Bulgarian society, the workers and the peasants, for socialism. It was the time when many important aspects of the revolutionary struggle had become more distinct. It concerns, primarily, the nature of the relationship between the working class and the peasantry and between their political organisations, the Bulgarian Communist Party and the Bulgarian Agricultural People's Union.
Academician S. L. TIKHVINSKY, V. A. TISHKOV. An Important Means of Theoretical-Methodological and Ideological-Educational Work of Historians
The authors take as their subject an experience accumulated by philosophical methodological seminars conducted at the institutes at the Department of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences. They show the main trends in the elaboration of the Marxist- Leninist theory of the historical process and the ideological education of scientific cadres. The tasks of the methodological seminars connected with the decisions of the June 1983 Plenum of the CC CPSU are outlined,
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Problems of History, N 9, 1983
M. V. Zimyanin. The Party of Revolutionary Action. Report at the Gala Meeting Held on July 29, 1983, in Moscow to Commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the 2nd Congress of the RSDLP. Soviet Historical Science and the Decisions of the June 1983 Plenum of the CC CPSU. Articles: I. M. Volkov. Soviet Agriculture in the Period of Developed Socialism; V. I. Achkasov, M. F, Vuriev. The Role of the USSR in the National-Liberation War of the Chinese People and in the Routing of Imperialist Japan; T. V. Bataeva, A. D. Stepansky. Journals Dealing with the Organisation of Soviet Archives and Soviet Archival Studies; L. M. Minaev. Struggle for the Alliance Between Workers and Peasants in Bulgaria; S. L. Tikhvinsky, V. A. Tishkov. An Important Means of Theoretical-Methodological and Ideological-Educational Work of Historians. Historical Essays. L. B. Belovinsky. The Russian Guards in the 18th-19th Centuries; B. D. Kozenko. "Totalitarian Democracy" in the USA (1914 - 1918). Historiсal Science in the USSR and Abroad. Surveys: V. S. Murmantseva. Latest Works on Military and Labour Feats of Soviet Women in the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945); E. V. Gutnova. On the Motive Forces of Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism. Book Reviews: I. D. Kovalchenko, N. B. Selunskaya, B. M. Litvakov. The Socio-Economic Pattern of Landowner Economy in European Russia. Sources and Methods of Study; N. Ya. Eidelman. The Turn of the Century, Political Struggle in Russia at the Turn of the 19th Century; L. S. Prokofyeva. The Russian Peasant Community in the Second Half of the 18th-First Half of the 19th Centuries; Georgi Dimitrov. A Bibliographical Index; V. S. Parsadanova. Soviet-Polish Relations During the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945; The USSR-Vietnam, 30 Years of Relations. 1950 - 1980. Documents and Materials; V. S. Kuznetsov. The Ch'ing Empire at the Central Asian Borders (Second Half of the 18th-First Half of the 19th Centuries); K. Gossweiler. Kapital, Reichswehr und NSDAP. 1919 - 1924 (Berlin); J, Folta, L. Novy (Bratislava). Natural Science in Historical Dates. A Chronological Review. Facts, Events, People. Articles in Soviet and Foreign Historical Journals. New Books in the USSR and Abroad.
de la revue "Questions d'histoire" n 9, 1983
M. V. Zimianine. Le parti de Faction revolutionnaire. Rapport a la reunion solennelle consacree au 80e anniversaire du II e congres du P.O.S.D.R., tenue le 29 juillet 1983 a Moscou. Examen des taches de la science historique a la lumiere des decisions du Plenum de juin (1983) du C.C. du P.C.U.S. Articles: I. M. Volkov. L'agriculture de l'U.R.S.S. dans les conditions du socialisme developpe; V. I. Atchkassov, M. F. Youriev. Le role de l'U.R.S.S. dans la guerre de liberation nationale du peuple chinois et dans la debacle du Japon imperialiste; T. V. Bataeva, A. D. Stepanski. Les publications periodiques d'archives et le developpement des etudes des archives en U.R.S.S.; L. M. Minaev. La lutte pour la cohesion des ouvriers et des paysans en Bulgarie; S. L. Tikhvinski, V. A. Tichkov. Moyen important du travail theorico-methodologique et de l'activite de propagande et d'education des historiens. Apercus historiques: L. V. Belovinski. La garde russe aux XVIIIe-XIXe siecles; B. D. Kozenko. La "democratie totale" aux Etats-Unis (1914 - 1918). La science historique en U.R.S.S. et a l'e-tranger. Revues: V. S. Mourmantseva. La litterature contemporaine sur l'exploit de guerre et de travail des femmes dans les annees de la Grande Guerre nationale; E. V. Goutnova. A propos des mobiles du passage du feodalisme au capitalisme. Comptes rendus des livres: I. D. Kovaltchenko, N. B. Selounska'ia, B. M. Litvakov. La structure economique et sociale des proprietes foncieres dans la Partie europeenne de la Russie a l'epoque capitaliste. Sources et methodes de recherche; N. Ya. Eidelman. La charniere des siecles. La lutte politique en Russie. Fin du XVIIIe - debut du XIXe siecle; L. S. Prokofieva. La communaute paysanne russe dans le seconde moitie du XVIIIe - premiere moitie du XIXe siecle; Georgi Dimitrov. Index biobibliographique; V. S. Parsadanova. Les relations sovieto- polonaises dans les annees de la Grande Guerre nationale de 1941 - 1945; Union Sovietique - Vietnam. 30 ans des relations. 1950 - 1980. Documents et materiaux; V. S. Kouznetsov. L'empire des Ts'in aux confins de l'Asie centrale (seconde moitie du XVIIIe - premiere moitie du XIXe siecle); K. Gossweiler. Capital, Reichswehr et NSDAP. 1919 - 1924; Y. Folta, L. Novy. L'histoire des sciences naturelles en dates. Revue chronologique. Faits, evenements, hommes. Articles dans les revues historiques sovietiques et etrangeres. Nouveaux livres en U.R.S.S, et a l'etranger.
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revista "Cuestiones de historia" N 9, 1983
M. V. Zimianin. Partido de accion revolucionaria. Iniorme presentado a la reunion solemne en Moscu, dedicada al 80 aniversario del II Congreso del POSDR, 29 de julio de 1983. Discusion de las tareas de la ciencia historica a la luz de las decisiones del Pleno de junio (1983) del CC del PCUS. Articulos: I. M. Volkov. La agricultura de la URSS en el socialismo desarrollado; V. I. Achkasov, M. F. Yuriev. El y en la derrota del Japon imperialista; T. V. Bataeva, A. D. Stepanski. La prensa periodica en los archivos y el desarrollo del estudio de archivos sovietico; L. M. Minaev. La lucha por la alianza obrero-campesina en Bulgaria; S. L. Tijvinski, V. A. Tishkov. Medio importante del trabajo teorico-metodologico e ideologico-educativo de los historiadores. Ensayos historicos. L. V. Belovinski. La guardia rusa en los siglos XVIII y XIX; В. D. Kozenko. La "democracia total" en EE. UU. (1914 - 1918). Ciencia historica en la URSS у en el exterior: Resumenes: V. S. Murmantseva. Las publicaciones contemporaneas sobre el hecho de armas y la proeza laboral de las mujeres en los anos de la Gran Guerra Patria; E. V. Gutnova. Sobre las fuerzas motrices de transicion dei feudalismo al capitalismo. Resenas de libros: I. D. Kovalchenko. N. B. Selunskaia, B. M. Litvakov. Regimen socioeconomico de la hacienda de terratenientes de Rusia Europea en la epoca del capitalismo. Fuentes y metodos de estudio; N .Ya. Bidelman. Arista de los siglos. La lucha politica en Rusia. Fines del siglo XVIII y comienzos del XIX; L. S. Prokofieva. La comuna campesina en Rusia en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII y la primera mitad del siglo XIX; Jorge Dimitrov. Indice biobibliografico; V. S. Parsadanova. Las relaciones sovietico-polacas en los anos de la Gran Guerra Patria (1941 - 1945); La Union Sovietica - Vietnam. 30 anos de relaciones (1950 - 1980). Documentos у materiales; V. S. Kuznetsov. El Imperio Qing en los limites de Asia Central (segunda mitad del siglo XVIII y la primera del XIX); K. Gossweiler. Kapital, Reichswehr und NSDAP 1919 - 1924 (Berlin); J. Folta, L. Novy. Historia de las ctencias naturales en las fechas. Resumen cronologico (Bratislava). Hechos, acontecimientos, personas. Articulos en las revistas historicas sovieticas y extranjeras. Nuevos libros en la URSS y en el exterior.
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