P. G. RYNDZYUNSKY. Ideology of the Peasant Movement of 1770 - l850s and Methods of Its Study
The study of ideologies of peasant movements should not be limited to the mere generalisation of peasant conceptions of their goals, says the author. The anti. -serfdom movement led, in the last decade of the 18th century, to the broadening of the social basis of peasant liberators. Tsarist illusions inherent in the peasant movement were typical of democratic intelligentsia as well. But they should not be exaggerated as towards the mid-19th century notions contrary to the former belief in the tsar-liberator had become widespread among the peasants. More attention should be paid to the emergence of Utopian socialism in the peasant milieu...
A. P. NOVOSELTSEV. Kievan Rus and Oriental Countries
Major problems of Oriental policy of the Kiev State in the 10th century are discussed on the basis of Arab, Persian, Georgian, Armenian, Syrian and other sources. Main attention is paid to relations between Kievan Rus and peoples and state formations of the Northern Caucasus, the Vblga area and the Transcaucasus, and to some other aspects of Kiev's foreign policy in the period under study.
The author sheds new light on the relations between Kievan Rus and Caucasian peoples, -traces the establishment of allied relations between Rus and some Caucasian peoples as early as in the 10th century, and offers some original ideas on the religious reforms of Prince Vladimir.
V. N. VINOGRADOV. Liberal Bourgeoisie and Increasing Fascist Menace in the Last Years of the Wiemar Republic
The author raises the question of the liberal bourgeoisie's responsibility for the establishment of fascist dictatorship in Germany. The article primarily deals with the German Democratic (Government) Party, the German People's Party and the liberal press. The liberal bourgeoisie, though being anti-fascist, proved to be unable to effectively repulse fascism. Both the ideology and the political practice of liberalism had demonstrated their insolvency in the face of fascist menace.
L. F. TEPLOV. Anti-Colonial Actions in Sudan in 1924
The.article discusses the development of the national-liberation struggle in Sudan in the years following the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia in 1917. The attention is centered on the events of 1924 and the activity of the anti-imperialist and anti-British White Banner League.
S. S. PASKOV. World History in the Context of Modern Japanese Methodology of History
The author discusses the approach of bourgeois historians to the study of world history and offers an analysis of theories and models current in the Japanese bourgeois historiography from the end of the 1940s to the 1970s. Bourgeois patterns of the world historical process, their differences notwithstanding, are spearheaded, subjectively and objectively, against Marxist conception of history. Though the broad use by bourgeois scholars of findings and methods of related scientific disciplines extends our knowledge of the past, the emphasis on their universalisatibn results in the emergence of one-sided reactionary patterns devoid of scientific content.
стр. 190
Problems of History, No. 5, 1983
Articles: P. G. Ryndzyimsky. Ideology of the Peasant Movements of 1770 - 1850s and Methods of Its Study; V. N. Vinogradov. Liberal Bourgeoisie and Increasing Fascist Menace in the Last Years of the Weimar Republic; L. F. Teplov. Anti-Colonial Actions in Sudan in 1924; S. S. Paskov. World History in the Context of Modern Japanese Methodology of History. Historical Essays: N. P. Efremova. First Steps of Russian Women Towards Higher Education; A. A. Fursenko. At the Gold War Sources; G. A. Belova. Riddles of Ancient Egyptian Pyramides. Historical Science in the USSR and Abroad. Surveys: V. V. Belkovets. Some Problems of Historiography of the Cultural Development of the Countryside. Book Reviews: A. D. Kolesnik. The RSFSR in the Years of the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945). The Rear and the Front: Problems of Popular Aid; I. I. Mints. 1918; New Archaeological Discoveries in Kiev; A. I. Sizonenko. The Consolidation of Relations Between the USSR and Latin American Countries (1917 - 1945); L. D. Filippova. The US Higher Educational Establishments; Vazha Tvalavadze. Problems of the Modern History of Germany and Georgian Publicist Writings (Last Third of the 19th Century) ; V. N. Tyazhelov. Mediaeval Art in Western and Central Europe; N. Rossing, B. Rorine, Apocryphal or not Apocryphal? A Critical Analysis of the Discussion Concerning the Correspondence Between Tsar Ivan IV Grozny] and Prince Andrej Kurbsky, Copenhagen; F. Longford, A. McHardy. Ulster, London; Thomas C. Cocheren, Frontiers of Change. Early Industrialism in America, New York. Scientific Notes. Facts, Events, People. Articles in Soviet and Fdreign Historical Journals. New Books in the USSR and Abroad.
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