Moscow, Moscow University Publishing House. 1975. 205 pp. The print run is 2210. Price 67 kopecks.
Attention to the problems of philosophical, socio-political and utopian thought of the past has been steadily increasing in recent years. This is explained by the growing role of the ideological struggle in the modern world, and hence by the growing interest in the historical sources of certain trends in modern ideology. Soviet historical science pays considerable attention to the study of this range of topics. So, only on the history of public thought in England of the XVII-XVIII centuries. in recent years, a number of publications have been published. The works of B. Mandeville and A. Shaftesbury have been published. 1 Books about F. Mandeville and A. Shaftesbury have been published. Bacon and T. More 2 . Still, there is a lack of such work. The growing interest of the reader puts forward new serious tasks for historians. That is why it is gratifying to see the publication of a study by MSU Professor Yu. M. Saprykin, Doctor of Historical Sciences, on James Garrington.
This is the first work about Garrington in Russian. An outstanding thinker, one of the greatest representatives of political thought of the era of the English bourgeois revolution of the XVII century, which influenced a whole galaxy of British writers and public figures, was previously only briefly mentioned in the books of M. M. Kovalevsky and A. N. Savin3. His writings in Russian
1 See B. Mandeville. The Fable of the Bees, M. 1974; Shaftesbury. Esteticheskie opytyty [Aesthetic experiments], Moscow, 1975.
2 See Yu. P. Mikhalenko, F. Bacon and his Teaching, Moscow, 1975; I. N. Osinovsky. Thomas More, Moscow, 1974.
3 M. M. Kovalevsky. From direct narodopravstvo to representative and from patriarchal monarchy to parliamentarism. Vol. 2. Moscow, 1906, pp. 156-157. Sovremennye sotsiologi [Modern Sociologists], Moscow, 1905, pp. 229-232. Lectures on the History of the English Revolution, Moscow, 1937, p. 10. ...
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