The beginning of science and religious experience
This article describes the "beginning of science", that initial act of thought, through which scientific research begins. It is also demonstrated that the experience of the subject accompanying this act of thought is close to the religious experience. The specific scientific use of language and related ontological assumptions are analyzed. A comparison of language and the ontology of science with language and the ontology of utilitarian practices is made. Description is considered as the language typically used for science. Description is opposed to instruction. The latter is a basic form of the use of language in utilitarian practices. The most important form of expression in instruction is narrative. This form of language is considered especially. It is demonstrated that certain transformations of the narrative cause descriptions. When this occurs, the constitution of object takes place, which is the establishing act (or the origin) of science. In conclusion, certain common features of scientific and religious language associated with the use of motivations are demonstrated. By contrast, the fundamental difference between religion and science in language and in adopted ontological assumptions are shown. Keywords: origin of science, religious experience, utilitarian practices, narrative, description, object. There are many studies that identify the common roots of religion and science. Most often, they consider the scientific revolution of the XVII century. The fact that this grandiose event in its essential features has a Christian character.- page 209Evidently, the Russian origins do not need to be proved now1. But I intend here to speak not only of the science of Modern times, but of science in general, as a very ancient enterprise, which apparently began in ancient Greece. I will show that the experience that engages a person in scientific knowledge is, in a certain sense, religious. To do this, we need to try to "catch" the moment of the birth of scientific in ... Read more

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The beginning of science and religious experience

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