Keywords: State Museum of Oriental Art (GMV), A.V. Sedov, museum collection, scientific and publishing activities
If you walk along Nikitsky Boulevard in Moscow, then, having come up with this building, it is difficult not to linger on it. Guidebooks say that the house was built shortly after the Moscow fire of 1812, designed by the famous architect D. I. Gilardi (reliable documents confirming this, however, have not been preserved). For some time, the uncle of the Decembrist M. P. Lunin, General M. S. Lunin, lived in it. Then for a long time, until 1917, the Moscow branch of the Russian State Bank settled in it. Now in the house on Nikitsky Boulevard, 12 -the State Museum of Oriental Art (GMV).
The front door opens and closes almost continuously - there are quite a lot of visitors. But not everyone knows that the Museum has two "faces".
One is the actual museum, educational: presentation and replenishment of its collection, reception of visitors, the number of which has exceeded 100 thousand per year.
And the second is the face of a large and reputable scientific institution, essentially a research institute. With more than fifty scientists, including five doctors and about three dozen candidates of science. With extensive publishing activities, including the annual publication of at least several monographs, plus guides to the museum and sections of its expositions, on the exhibitions held here and" on the road " annually. With annual archaeological expeditions to different parts of the country and abroad. With regular participation of the museum's scientists in representative Oriental scientific conferences and symposiums in Russia and in many countries of the world.
Alexander Vsevolodovich Sedov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told the magazine's correspondents about this aspect of the GMV's research activity.
A well-known scientist, a prominent expert on the Middle East, the aut ...
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