I. Y. KOTIN Doctor of Historical Sciences (Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg) THE INDIAN DIASPORA OF GREAT BRITAIN THROUGH THE EYES OF AN ANGLO-PUNJABI POET indians Keywords:, immigrants, Great Britain, ethnic and racial minorities Millions of South Asians live in the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States and other countries (in the United Kingdom alone, the South Asian diaspora has about 2 million people). Indians, Pakistanis, and Bangladeshis abroad are trying to make sense of the experience of immigrants and ethnic and racial minorities.1 The voice of the Indian diaspora is heard in English and Indian languages through the mouths of characters from numerous novels and movies.2 In English, like Salman Rushdie, mixed with individual words in Hindi, Punjabi, and Bengali, the lyrics of the Indian diaspora are created - mostly song-in the bhangra style, known as Indian hip-hop, as well as poetry that combines the themes of India and the experience of the Indian diaspora. A volume of Daljit Nagr's poems " See. We are arriving in Dover! "("Look. We have coming to Dover", London, Faber & Faber, 2007) I found in a small second-hand bookshop in Chester , a nice town in Northern England, famous for its Victorian homes with elderly conservative residents who vote Tory. There are almost no Indians or Afro-Britons-representatives of large ethno-racial minorities in England. There probably wouldn't be a place in a second-hand bookstore for a collection of poems by an Indo - English poet if it weren't published by the prestigious London house Faber & Faber, which specializes in high-quality books-classics of English literature, biographies, and literary studies. And now - in a burgundy cover-a small collection, with a title that hints that we are looking at the Odyssey of a man who "arrived" in England from afar. The author is an Anglo-Punjabi poet, winner of several prestig ... Read more

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