The biography of Vasily Grigoryevich Solodovnikov, a diplomat and well - known scientist, reflects all the vicissitudes of our turbulent century: the revolution, wars, five-year plans, Stalin's repressions, the victory over fascism, the confrontation between East and West, the elimination of colonialism, the collapse of the apartheid system, perestroika and new times in modern Russia. The life and work of the hero of the day were covered in our magazine*. Let us recall some pages of his biography. ..On March 8, 1918, a boy named Vasyatka was born to a native Russian Old Believer family in the village of Chernorechye near Samara. At the age of 13, he becomes a tractor driver, and then a turner. He tried to combine work and study. First, he entered the Faculty of the Pedagogical Institute, then the evening department of the Kuibyshev Industrial Institute, from which he graduated with honors. Then the talented young man is sent to Moscow to study at the Academy of Foreign Trade. 1947 - first business trip abroad to Romania, then to the USA, where V. G. Solodovnikov spent two years leading a group in AMTORG. Here he gained experience in interacting with representatives of local business circles, and got to know the country well. Economics and financial flows in the Western world were reflected in his PhD thesis, which he defended in 1952 at the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where he soon became a scientific secretary. In 1956, after the establishment of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), V. G. Solodovnikov, along with a number of his colleagues, was transferred to the IMEMO of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and two years later he was appointed Deputy Director for Research. In 1952-1960. Vasily Grigoryevich participates in international meetings and forums held under the auspices of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Academy of Sciences, goes on research trips (India, Vietnam, Switzerland, USA, France, e ... Read more

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