UDC 222.6: 093.3: 94 (477). "H-HSH"
Examples of quoting the biblical books of the Eightfold in the Old Russian chronicles-such expressions as "wise and well-meaning men"are considered. "Rus' has fun to drink" , etc. Researchers of the Old Russian era often rely on later versions of the Old Slavic Bible when studying the Biblical influence on medieval historical writing, which leads to incorrect conclusions. However, the precise textual form of biblical quotations is important for understanding the implications of chroniclers and the very meaning of historical messages. Accordingly, it is proposed to use early biblical texts that are more or less similar to those that were available in the XI - XIII centuries. Under this. Fragments of the early chronicles and the Slavic Eightfold are compared and analyzed from this angle.
Keywords: Ancient Russia, medieval chronicles, Old Slavic Bible, XI-XIII centuries.
Starting with such a complex topic, it should first of all be noted that the idea of the biblical influence on the early Ancient Russian chronicle is well established and generally well accepted in the scientific community. It is recognized that direct quotations from the Bible and allusions give an understanding of the idea and meaning of the chronicle message or its individual details. Accordingly, the article presented to the reader does not pretend to open a new field in the field of scientific ideas, but rather to outline more precisely the individual parameters of the study. The scope of the journal format determines both the volume and nature of the material-a comprehensive analysis of sources, unfortunately, is not possible, so a chain of examples is proposed that illustrate the author's statements and assumptions.
It is necessary to clarify the term "early chronicles", since it gets along in two meanings. When a researcher takes into account hypothetical, that is, reconstructed chronicle vaults by scientists, then the limit of the definition of "early" can ...
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