The annual celebration of Victory Day over Fascism is firmly established in the national traditions of the socialist countries of Europe. Increasingly, the disparate images of their liberation and participation in achieving victory are combined into a single whole, determining the decisive contribution of the Soviet Union and the role of its associated forces in the anti-Hitler coalition. The victory over Hitler's Germany was a victory for the forces fighting for a new reality, hardened in the struggle against fascism. This combination of the national content of the holiday with its international essence is especially close to the Poles, whose progressive circles have long proclaimed the slogan "For our and your freedom". The role of the anti-Fascist tradition in the recent history of Poland cannot be overestimated, just as it is impossible to forget about fascism. It is no accident that the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1975, when celebrating the 30th anniversary of the victory over fascism, paid so much attention in its decision on the fascist danger to the world, describing fascism as a shameful stain on the civilization of the twentieth century, which the international labor movement does not lose sight of for a moment. While European socialist countries, including the GDR, strongly emphasize the commonality of their victory over German fascism, in the West, the memory of the struggle against it is becoming burdensome for some official circles, especially within the framework of NATO. If this period of history is already evaluated differently today, then in the coming years the ideological struggle on this issue will undoubtedly expand and strengthen interest in it. The purpose of this article is to show what contribution and what efforts Poland was capable of - a country that was the first to fall victim to the armed aggression of fascism and the extermination policy of the third Reich. Poland's contribution to ... Read more

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