A major event in the development of Russian science in recent years is the publication of a new fundamental work by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences M. L. Titarenko " The Geopolitical Significance of the Far East. Russia, China and other Asian countries" (Moscow, Monuments of Historical Thought, 2008, 623 p). The book is a continuation of the author's long-term comprehensive research work on a wide range of problems of interstate and intercivilizational relations, as well as international security issues. The focus is on the integration of our country into the economic and civilizational space of the Asia-Pacific region (APR), the place and role of the Russian Federation and its Far Eastern regions in Asia. In recent years, academician M. L. Titarenko has actively defended and scientifically substantiated the idea of Russia's Eurasian orientation. For the first time, this concept was most clearly expressed in his book "Russia facing Asia" (1998), and then developed and enriched in his works: "China: civilization and Reforms "(1999), " Russia. Security through Cooperation: the East Asian Vector "(2003) and in a joint work with B. N. Kuzyk "China - Russia 2050: a Strategy for Co-development" (2006). In his new book, M. L. Titarenko consistently defends the theory of new Eurasianism and analyzes the phenomenon of Russia's unique geopolitical identity. "For domestic and international well-being," he writes, " it is necessary to consistently adhere to the principle of balance, the equivalence of attention to both the western and eastern azimuths of domestic and foreign policy. In other words, it is necessary to steadily follow the Eurasian geopolitical identity of Russia" (p. 7). It is important to note that the author's conclusions about the Eurasian self-identification of Russia have acquired today not just theoretical, but first of all concrete and practical significance. Currently, the author emphasizes that the Asia-Pacific region, which is emerging as ... Read more

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