Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1983. 256 p.
The founders of scientific communism were the first to reveal the interdependence of the British labour movement and the national liberation movement in Ireland. They noted that the suppression of national liberation forces in Ireland in the name of strengthening the positions of the largest landlords who considered Ireland their fiefdom, trade magnates, and the English military invariably strengthened and fed the reaction in England itself .1 Its policy towards Ireland provided the founders of scientific socialism with rich material for the elaboration of the national - colonial question.
M. E. Orlova, Senior Researcher at the Institute of International Labor Movement of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, is devoted to the interdependence of the British labor movement and the national liberation movement of Ireland. There are already a number of studies in Soviet historiography that highlight key points in the history of the Emerald Island2 . However, many problems remained unexplored, including the topic chosen by M. E. Orlova, on which only a number of articles concerning certain periods can be named .3 Meanwhile, the national movement in Ireland has always been a non-national movement.-
1 K. Marx and F. Engels Soch. Vol. 32, pp. 304, 531.
2 First of all, the following works are meant: Kerzhentsev P. I. Ireland in the struggle for Independence, Moscow, 1936; Kolpakov A.D. Ireland - the Rebel Island, Moscow, 1965; his. Ireland on the way to the revolution of 1900-1918 M. 1976; Erofeev N. A. The decline of the British Empire. M. 1968; Orlova M. E. Ireland in search of ways of independent development. M. 1973; History of Ireland. M. 1980; Gribin N. P. The tragedy of Ulster. M. 1980; Polyakova E. Yu. Ulster: the origins of tragedy. Moscow, 1982; et al.
3. Tupoleva L. F. The Irish question and the English working-class movement of the 80s of the XIX century. In: Rabocheye dvizhenie Britannii XIX-XX vv. M. 1 ...
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