For more than half a century, Japan has been rightly perceived around the world as a country that has become one of the most advanced in the use of the latest technologies and at the same time managed to preserve its national identity and traditions. At the same time, the latest technologies are often considered as something introduced from the outside and not compatible with the national culture. And traditions are understood only as strict observance of the external ritual aspects of certain customs that create a specific Japanese flavor, while the complex of worldview principles underlying them is not taken into account. However, often the most modern technologies are used not only in production, construction and design, but also in the field of traditional genres of art. Sometimes in this way they seek to find new techniques and means of artistic expression, sometimes-to revive ancient cultural customs. At the same time, traditional cultural and ideological values, without losing their former meaning, are embedded in modern life with its scientific and technological progress and "efficiency". MUSEUM OF THE POETIC GAME In January 2006, in Kyoto, through the efforts of the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu Cultural Foundation, a foundation dedicated to encouraging the study of the ancient poetry anthology "One from a Hundred Poets" (Hyakunin Isshu)1, and the world's largest company for the production of computer games and game consoles Nintendo in one of the most beautiful places in Kyoto in the Arashiyama Mountains near the Moon Crossing Bridge opened a kind of historical and literary interactive museum, in which all halls and expositions are equipped with equipment based on the use of the latest digital technologies. Nintendo was founded in 1889 as a company that produced playing cards with images of flowers and plants. It was the first company to produce electronic toys in the 1970s, and in the 1980s it produced very popular electronic games. Today, it is one of the world's ... Read more

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