In the collection of articles "Federalism in Africa: Problems and Perspectives" ("Federalism in Africa: Problems and Perspectives"), published by the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, 2015 / ed. ed. Igho Natufe, H. M. Turinskaya. 220 p), covers theoretical and practical aspects of the functioning of federal systems on the African continent. The publication is based on the materials of two scientific forums. The English-language part of the book includes updated and partially revised texts of reports presented at the section "Nigeria: 100 Years After Amalgamation", organized within the framework of the XIII International Conference of African Studies, which was held at the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow on May 27-30, 2014. The Russian-language part includes articles prepared on the basis of reports of participants of the round table "Problems and Prospects of Federalism in Africa", held by the Center for the Study of Tropical Africa of the Institute of African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences on November 12, 2014. The authors of the collection did not claim to develop and develop a general theory of federalism, however, using African materials, they certainly contributed to the understanding of federalism as a model of governance, the use of which can be justified in the context of the functioning of heterogeneous political systems. Tracing the fate of federalism on the Black Continent, researchers make a legitimate conclusion that this form of political system serves, as in other parts of the world, to unite individual regions into larger political entities, without encroaching on the identity of the subjects included in the federal structure. In the African version, for a variety of reasons (interethnic and social contradictions, insufficient economic development, conflicts between groups of the political elite, etc.), federalization can "not so much resolve existing conflicts as generate new ... Read more

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