Until now, it was assumed that the Democratic Review, a magazine published in London by J. Gurney, a prominent figure in the English labor movement, one of the leaders of the left wing of Chartism, published only one article by F. Gurney. Engels. However, a study of the materials of this journal suggests that Engels ' collaboration in the Democratic Review was of a broader nature. F.'s friendly relations Engels and J. Gurney were established when he joined the Union of Communists. At the beginning of 1849. they corresponded almost regularly. F. Engels, who lived in Switzerland, received information from London about the state of affairs in England. Gurney, in turn, turned to him for advice, particularly on the tactics of the proletarian struggle. And although Engels ' letters to Garni have not been preserved, from the latter's reply letters (they are stored in the Central Administration of the IML under the Central Committee of the CPSU), one can imagine what questions were raised in the correspondence. In the spring of 1849, Gurney decided to publish a newspaper and turned to Engels for help. "I want it," Garni wrote on March 19, " to be the organ of European democracy. I want you to send out your weekly correspondence."1 . On March 28, he asked Engels: "... can I count on you at the right moment? " 2 Engels apparently promised to send correspondence to London, for in a letter dated May 1, Gurney, responding to Engels ' letter of April 6, informed him that a monthly magazine would be published instead of the proposed newspaper. "You kindly promised me your help," he wrote , " and now I ask you to fulfill that promise... Choose what topic you want... it might be better if you sent something about German politics or continental politics in general. I consider it absolutely necessary that something from you should appear in every issue. " 3The Democratic Review of British and Foreign Politics, History and Literature magazine it was published for a little over a year ( ... Read more

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