Exploring the Postsecular: the Religious, the Political and the Urban
Exploring the Postsecular: the Religious, the Political and the Urban/Eds. Arie Molendijk, Justin Beaumont and Christoph Jedan. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2010. - 406 p. The collection Exploring the Post-Secular: Religious, Political and Urban Contexts, which grew out of a 2008 conference held at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands), is one of the first attempts at a comprehensive academic study of post-secular issues. In this sense, it is the first in a series of several similar publications that have been published in recent years.1The collection consists of four parts: the first part contains introductory articles by Justin Beaumont and Kim Knott, which attempt to outline the main research agenda to which this collection is devoted: post-secular issues in the context of modern urban studies and the so-called "spatial turn" in social theory. The second part contains theoretical essays devoted to the conceptualization of the concept of "postsecular". The third part focuses on the urban dimension of post-secularism, in particular, special attention is paid to the experience of religious NGOs (faith-based organizations) and their experience of participating in solving social problems of a modern metropolis. Finally, the fourth part is devoted to the Habermas-Rawls problem of "post-secular society" and "public reason". The obvious strength of the collection is its interdisciplinarity: the postsecular is dissected through the prism of different disciplines-urban studies, sociology, philosophy, etc.- 1. Например, см.: Postsecular Cities: Religious Space, Theory and Practice/Eds. J. Beaumont, Ch. Baker. New York, London: Continuum, 2011; After the Postsecular and the Postmodern: New Essays in Continental Philosophy of Religion/Eds. A. P. Smith, D. Whistler. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011; The Post Secular in Question: Religion in Contemporary Society/ Ed. Ph. Gorski. New York, London: New York University Press, 2012. page 294in different cu ... Read more

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Exploring the Postsecular: the Religious, the Political and the Urban

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