Churches in the Cold War. Introduction
In RECENT decades, the religious factor in international politics has become the object of attention of political scientists and specialists in international relations, primarily from the point of view of the "return of religion", which is considered in the paradigm of "desecularization"1. Some researchers directly link the need to analyze the role of the religious factor in global processes with the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. Accordingly, the emphasis is usually placed on the relationship between religion, violence and conflict, 2 or on the participation of religious actors in the globalization of governance3. In relation to the previous period, namely, the middle-second half of the XX century, it is generally accepted that- 1. See the research review on: Werkner, I., Hidalgo, O. (eds) (2014) Religionen-Global Player in der internationalen Politik, ss. 2-11. Springer VS, and also in: Muehlenbeck, Ph. (ed.) (2012) Religion and the Cold War: A Global Perspective, p. XVII. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press; Hatzopoulos, P., Petito, F. (2003) (Hrsg.) Religion in International Relations. The Return from Exile. New York, Basingstoke. 2. Appleby, R.S. (2000) The Ambivalence of the Sacred. Religion, Violence, and Reconciliation, New York; De Juan, A., Hasenclever, A. (2009) "Das Framing religiöser Konflikte - die Rolle von Eliten in religiös konnotierten Bü rgerkriegen", in Bussmann, M., Hasenclever, A., Schneider, G. (Hrsg.) Identität, Institutionen und Ökonomie. Ursachen innenpolitischer Gewalt (Sonderheft Politische Vierteljahresschrift), ss. 178-205. Wiesbaden; Hurd, E.S. (2015) Beyond Religious Freedom. The New Global Politics of Religion. Princeton. An overview study on religion and peacemaking: Smock, D.R. (Hrsg.) (2006) Religious Contributions to Peacemaking. When Religion Brings Peace, Not War (Peaceworks). Washington, D.C. 3. Baumgart-Ochse, C. (2014) "Religiöse Akteure als Beitrlger zu Global Governance", in Werkner, I., Hidalgo, O. (eds) Relig ... Read more

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Churches in the Cold War. Introduction

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