Doctor of Economics
Far East Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: China, agrosphere, food security problem, modernization, growth factors, biotechnologies
In recent years, the following areas of modernization of grain production have been developed in China:
1) selection and introduction of elite grain varieties together with a complex of new agricultural technologies;
2) increasing soil fertility;
3) mechanization of the main processes of grain production, primarily wheat. At the same time, attention is drawn to such a feature as the expansion of the scale of introduction of new technologies to large areas of crops.
Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, calls the main factor in obtaining high yields over the five-year period the growth of yields based on the progress of science: for 2005-2010. grain yield increased from 46.4 centners / ha to 49.7 centners / ha1.
Introduction of agricultural science and technology achievements:
1. Selection and introduction of new,elite grain varieties. The work on breeding new, high-quality and specialized grain varieties that are in demand in the domestic and foreign markets has been developed practically since the beginning of the 2000s. Its implementation is carried out within the framework of the "Program for strategic regulation of the structure of agriculture, rural economy (2001-2010)".
Since joining the WTO, China has taken active measures to improve the competitiveness of major agricultural products. The main attention is paid to the creation of industrial belts of grain and a number of other types of products that have comparative competitive advantages on the world market. The "Program for creating agricultural production areas with comparative advantages (2003-2007)" stipulated that by 2007, the area under specialized wheat varieties should have grown to 40% of all their crops in the country, and corn-to 60%. In practic ...
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