E. P. PIVOVAROVA Doctor of Economics Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences Keywords: China, economic modernization, intensive development Adopted at the 3rd Plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee (2013), the "Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on some important issues of comprehensive deepening of reforms" essentially sets the country on decisive "practical actions" in the economic sphere. It provides for the implementation of tasks that have long been put forward, but are still poorly solved in the PRC: the transition from extensive to intensive development and the improvement of all quality indicators of production. By 2020, the country should reach the level of "average prosperity", and by 2050, the entire economy should be modernized, and a rich, powerful and civilized state should be built. The very intention to modernize the Chinese economy by the end of the twentieth century, proclaimed by Deng Xiaoping at the National Conference on the Development of Science in March 1978, i.e., on the eve of economic reform, required a significant increase in the quality parameters of the country's productive forces. That is why Deng Xiaoping immediately stressed that "without modernization, without raising the scientific and technical level, without developing the social productive forces and building up the country's power, without improving the material and cultural life of the people, the socialist political and economic system cannot be stable, and the country's security cannot be reliably guaranteed." 1 The difficulties encountered in China in implementing the originally planned modernization plans exceeded expectations and required repeated adjustments to the country's socio-economic development plans. Both the terms and parameters of achieving a certain level of civilization were specified. Initially, it meant "already in the XX century to reach and surpass the advanced world level, in 22 years to pass the path that others have passed i ... Read more

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