K. V. MESHCHERINA Graduate student Institute of Africa, Russian Academy of Sciences Keywords: Sinai Peninsula, terrorism, non-State actors, "Arab spring", international security Terrorism has been on the rise in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region for a long time since the beginning of the Arab Spring. Some international political scientists and experts have concluded that the" revolutionary " breakdown of 2011 in this region created fertile ground for the activation of Islamist radicals who sow violence and terror, including al-Qaeda organizations.1 Others expressed concern that the imminent "awakening" of old and new radical forces would lead to another wave of military and political conflicts and a new period of instability in the countries where the former regimes had fallen.2 Modern international relations are characterized by the growing role and influence of non-State actors (NGA). Their special category is "aggressive" non-state actors. Consider the ANDES that are currently experiencing an increase in terrorist activity, particularly in the north of the Sinai Peninsula, which is a geopolitically important region due to the Suez Canal, through which a huge number of international ships pass*. The magazine "Asia and Africa Today" has already published an article about ANGA in "Islamic" Africa 3. A number of scientific studies, including domestic ones, describe them as "network criminal and terrorist formations that have become more active since the beginning of the events of the Arab Spring, radical armed groups" 4, "liberation armies" and "movements" that have emerged or revived, extremist political structures that are engaged in aggressive expansion, etc. 5 North Sinai today, in our opinion, is one of the areas of extremist and terrorist threat in the Middle East. A considerable number of radical Islamist groups, which have hundreds and thousands of fighters in their ranks, have become more active there. In July 2015, due to the growing number of ... Read more

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